The truest of stories. They do not get any truer that a true kitty story.
That is a true kitty story right there!
A 2” by 4” piece of lumber that is ACTUALLY 2” by 4”, instead of the bullshit 1.5” by 3.5” used now to save money by the lumber companies.
“Yo, I was taking apart this old house and all of it’s made of true by fours!” “That’s some old shit, dude!”
A true poly is someone who can not love just one person. The love does not have to, but can include, sexual relations however can not comfortably be confined to a single person.
"My boyfriend James is a true poly because he loves and takes care of me and my friends."
It’s a phrase meaning that partners who are in a deeply committed and trusting relationship engage in an act of intimacy that doesn’t require using condoms, leading to an enhanced and more pleasurable sexual experience.
1. Skin-to-skin contact and increased sensation, giving partners the real unfiltered feeling of PIV like nature intended.
2. Fluid bonding, allowing partners to exchange their body fluids, sharing their DNA.
3. Deeper emotional connection because partners can actually feel each other.
In summary, you and your partner are taking your sex life to the next level…RUBBER-FREE ECSTACY!!! That’s the meaning of “true love” as part of the phrase because when you’re IN true love, you can MAKE true love.
I know this phrase may sound meaningful and inspiring to you but it doesn’t mean you can just go for it, you MUST take proper precautions beforehand. Answer these questions below:
Are you in a committed long-term relationship?
Have you and your partner been medically checked in order to know if you’re both clean?
Is your partner on birth control?
Do you trust your partner?
Does your partner trust you?
If your answers are all “yes”, then you can go for it!
James: "Hey Tom, my wife and I are gonna be making love tonight."
Tom: "Good for you, James!"
James: "But this time, I'm not gonna use a condom."
Tom: "Wow, that's awesome, you're gonna feel her for the first time!"
James: "I know, right? I talked to her about it yesterday and she agreed!"
Tom: "James, you know what they say?"
Both: "True love has no glove!"
A true emo is a girl or guy who feels things times a hundred than most others. They are labeled as sensitive most of the time. They feel everything deeply and a true emo is one of the kindest people you'll ever meet. They wear black most of the time, may have a piercing or two l, they are vocal about their feelings and may talk about their feelings publicly. They love music , take pride in their appearance, and a true emo is usually somebody who is pissed off by their own demons, they usually have an above average desire for friendship, though may be too shy so they stay by themselves. True emos are usually very feminine whether it's a girl or guy.
A person who does not age and stays at the paragon of youth usually around the age of 25. Will live forever unless killed.
The true immortal tried to stop the plane with someone who knows their secret arriving at Heathrow. Now its not safe for him in Cape Town no more.
Someone who has never watched any Star Wars movies or had any interest is seeing any.
The true sinner professed their superiority but was trying to tell me who shot first.