(n.) someone who can tolerate you when you're hungry.
dude, i wish i had True Love :(
What Angel and mondu have. It’s the feeling that you are safe with me with ur life. It’s the feeling of butterflies when we lock eyes or our skin finally connects. True love is when no matter what you have going on I will never judge you and you for you. It’s when I find your biggest flaws ur biggest attractions. True love is when we no one else will feel like home and they evaporate from our minds. True love is when I listen, care and make you feel like you never have to feel fearful , misunderstood or unloved ever. You will feel it everyday for the rest of our life’s because no one on earth deserves TRUE LOVE more than my sweet sexy caring determined intelligent strong hunny.
I don’t want anyone else because what we have is TRUE LOVE.
Two people who are undoubtedly made for each other and are constantly seen with each other or are even often associated with each other. It is hardly ever seen, but true love does in fact exist, it just depends on your views on it. If you have a negative notion of love, it is likely you won't find it, because you've wired yourself to believe it is not possible, and thus blinding yourself of something that otherwise would happen. If you're positive and are always looking, then you shall find it someday. Even the most "unlovable" and "incorrigible" ones can find love.
There is nothing that can separate them. No matter what hardships come their way, nothing ever taints it. True love is all about fate, or destiny. The future isn't all set in stone, but there are things that are written in the stars that something will happen no matter what and you either have to accept it or destroy the world around you trying to prevent it. Freewill exists to a point, because you're always given the choice to do or to not do something, but fate just means that whatever path you choose, it's merely just stepping stones to the same ending, as opposed to each decision being a road on its own leading to a different outcome.
In other words, some things will happen no matter what you do, and your actions only dictate when it'll happen, not if it will. Those with the capacity to love will find it if they try, and so will you, Reader. Just never stop looking.
True love exists, you just need to look, and not ignore the obvious signs pointing towards it. Don't make the same mistake I did. We ended up getting together and we have our happy ending, but it took so long for us to realize.
This is true love. I love you there here is a young 50K