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what ev

Shortened, yuppie, version of the oh-so-popular, "whatever."

Popular among sorority girls and others of that caliber.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a condom."
"What ev, just do it."

by Benjamin Bode May 29, 2005

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what's the beef

1. what's going on. (confrontation sense)
2. in terms of fighting or a confrontation.

Ex : yo what the beef?

Ex : Nah man I got history, I don't like this cat.

by LeX October 6, 2004

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What a save!

A quick chat option in Rocket League. Usually meant ironically.

What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
chat disabled for 1 second(s)

by average bus enjoyer January 7, 2023

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What’s the point

What you say when you’ve given up and at your breaking point

Jody: find you a boyfriend
Emma: what’s the point

by Lowkeyyy. March 4, 2019

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What The Bob

What The Bob (or "wtb") is an alternative way of saying what the fuck (or "wtf"). Bob refers to the drummer of My Chemical Romance, Bob Bryar.

(w)FireAtWill(w) Says:
Chemical__Chloe__MCR Says:
what the bob?

by Chemical Chloe December 11, 2007

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what the tits

When you want to say "what the fuck" but you are always thinking about tits on some subsconscious level, and as such, you say "what the tits" instead.

Also use: Why the tits? Who the tits? Tits the tits?

Jennifer, you ate all the rice! WHAT THE TITS??!

by Freddizle fo' Shizzle April 28, 2016

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What the snakes?

To express a feeling of confusion i.e. "What the hell?"

Kid 1: I just made out with a window licker that rides the short bus to school!
Kid 2: What the Snakes?

by moe deca 1200 September 7, 2006

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