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Using your non-dominant hand turned upside down to masturbate - while high/under the influence.

Man, I was high-dratin' so hard last night, I think I got tennis elbow!

by Handsome Mr. J June 29, 2021

Low High T

The feeling of extreme hunger after you have eaten massive amounts of food.

Bae I'm I got dat low high T.......oooof

by Bcakes June 23, 2014

Forest High

Forrest High is a high school that is renowned for the maccas at Forrestway as it isn't the only thing that is getting cooked. The students are more fried then the chips are. Even with the girls, you can't tell who's higher; them or their skirts.

All the teachers will tell you how great it is but it's not. Do not fall for it.

The reason that their never up in in HSC or NAPLAN is the fact that there are no rules enforced. The only thing that is enforced is mental health issues with the amount of furries there are.

Oh that person must go to Forest High, just look at them and their eyes.

by waytoohonest101 December 8, 2024

High point, North Carolina

AKA “Little” Chicago Or HiRaq. Known for its gun violence, gang activity & Furniture.

Oh you’re visiting High Point, North Carolina ... be safe!

by Automatedhussla February 13, 2020

Jesse C. Carson High school

Small town school with various people but mostly Caucasian. Below/Average athlete’s with the hand full of superstars. Just an average school in General. Currently owned by the 2021 class

I feel bad for you didn’t you go to Jesse C. Carson High School?

by JunnaxKhoppa May 31, 2022

West valley high school

“early college” high school located right between GhettoWood and JunkieValley. this school is a premium learning experience for any one of your drug addicted kids, nicotine... FULL coverage, thc and psychedelics are also included. the football program... they get all of our money just to shove piya sticks in one another’s butts. the faculty uses dip on school grounds, they also have sex with students... on yea and the “Virginity Tree” have sex on school grounds before? take your shoes and throw em in a tree by the lunch room for all to see, makes sense!?!? of a once someone shit in the boys urinal, his name? J.C.

fake gangster : Do you go to west valley high school?

G loc - nah cuh dropped outa Waste valley...

by King_Organic September 10, 2021

Hatch end high school

Hatch end high school is for people who don't get into harrow high, cannons or Whitmore. It's all white rejects in here.


Hatch end High school is not based.

by Sergeant Knuckles February 1, 2022