The strident, aggressive pointy elbowed women that appear on FOX who act like they would just as soon mace you as give you the time of day.
Mace girl Malkin was seen out on the street gassing protesters.
White girl high is like the effect that happens when one watches a single Nasa space video and feel that their whole outlook on life has changed.
Kaylin your acting so white girl high right now.
she is the girl with blue hair who sits in the middle of the class yells at everyone, thinks she is rachet, and screams at you when you look at her for a second. This is known as a Blue Cheeto girl
the blue cheeto girl thinks she is rachet
To run a piece on a girl can mean one of two things: to have sex with a girl in exchange for money, drugs, or whatever they decide to exchange.
To run piece on a girl can also mean: to con or steal from her in plain sight without her knowledge, especially if she is in debt to someone
I'll hit you up later but first I have to run a piece on a girl who needs some Boi or tonight, but she don't have any money.
It is a simple thing, every 10th of each month, we do a gender swap, boys act like girls, and girls act like boys, easy right? Wring the boys wll have a tough rule, they have drama to deal with, complaints, have to do their nails, have to look pretty for their boyfriend, boys get an easy one which is pee, poop, work, and sleep while we have periods.
Oh hey its Act like a Girl/Boy day
*Turns into a girl* OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP TYLER, NO ONE LOVES YOU... MY GOD BOYS ARE STUPID *One month passes* Hey boy wanna date?
Oh hey girlllll its time to act like a boy now! Nah, ima pee, shit, work then sleep.
not a fetish
not your fucking fetish
not here to appeal to you
not here to appease you
not a category in porn created solely for your consumption
and not invalid if they don't make you hard enough
human beings that exist in spite of your weird pornographic freak shit, just like any other human being
Trans girl/woman - a AMAB person that identifies herself as and lives her life as a woman.
"you're not a real woman! you should be grateful anyone would be willing to do it with you! femboy!!!" - some weirdo that was in my dms lol (i have screenshots and more! :D)
your sexual fantasies are not representative of reality and your dick isn't a magical scepter that affirms our gender identity <3
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