Your business credit score should not a ZERO! You don’t have to use your personal money. Stop attaching your social security number to your business. Your business keeps getting denied because your business isn’t set up properly. Your business credit has your home address listed. Your business credit score isn’t at least an 80. You haven’t established no vendors under your business credit report. Last but not least, if you thought getting an EIN was enough to start a business your are completely WRONG!
Text TFGTAX TO 22828 or go to if you want to properly set up your business and build business credit
The baby of econometrics and the business world. A new and rapidly growing study that focuses on helping businesses make the right decisions based on big data, and using tools like mathematics, statistics, probability theory and machine learning. Basically econometrics, but less theoretical and slightly more practical.
Oh yeah btw, studying business analytics at college/university is immensely correlated with being attractive as fuck. (See example dialogue)
Some girl: Who’s that guy walking around campus and why is he so damn hot?
Other girl: He probably studies business analytics, and he’s probably a super smart and caring gentleman.
A person who is more like a career-oriented or a goal-oriented towards business and any entrepreneurial form of activities.
After graduation, you could see how determined and business centered person he is.
She’s a boss babe, she’s very busy. She hustles, she is booked and busy. Take notes. She’s got a notebook that lets you know She is very busy.
A slang phrase, stemming from the identical phrase regarding the workplace, characterizing a situation as purely or primarily platonic in order to keep things simple, without complications from casual or serious romance.
Girl: I’m definitely down to take a trip with you, but we should keep it business casual. We’ve been just friends for a really long time and I wouldn’t want to ruin that.
Guy: Yeah that’s smart. Hooking up would make things too complicated.
Fighting with everyone at school or work.
you are so weak just try to stand on business
Tony, be sure to bring the business sugar to the next meeting.