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90s Kid

Something that surprisingly still exists in 2019.

Are 90s kids still a thing in 2019? In a few months it's literally gonna be 2020 which will be the start of a whole new decade so these kids need to grow up and move on with their lives already.

by CelticEagle February 13, 2019

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The Black Kid

The sole lonely nigga on the all-white high school basketball team, one who everybody wants on their side.

Symptoms: Has an impressive vertical of 39.5' , can run the 100m dash in under 10 seconds, and can recite the lyrics of the Jay-Z song that plays during the warm ups.

Oh shit guys, hurry up and cover the black kid before he owns us like Kobe..

by Cracker99.5 June 16, 2010

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poor kids

The polar opposite of Rich Kids.
Less people care about poor children than rich children. In many ways they are an invisible demographic that does not exist. This is evident not only thru the number of definitions of Rich Kids compared to Poor Kids, but the way they are treated.

Very few television shows appeal to poor kids, even Hip Hop shows and shows on BET for the most part appeal to the rich or middle class. Whenever a movie is made that shows the realities of there everyday life, instead of being labeled a movie, like say any of the millions of videos that appeal to middle or rich America. It is labeled a Hood Classic, or Black Cinema (EX: Boyz-N-The Hood, Paid in Full, etc.) This of course does not happen if the main character happens to be an adult white male playing Saviour to some kids in the hood (Hardball). Those are considered actual movies because rich people can relate to momentarily feeling sorry for the children on the TV screen, and may cry. Not realizing millions upon millions of children in the US, a silent majority are raised in similar conditions.

Many people think being a poor kid in America is something usually reserved for white trash and minorities however, there are more poor white children in the US, than there is black children al-together. However, with American Media comprising mostly of movies and shows about rich white people, and poor black people, many people think that all whites are rich, there are millions of poor white children who are not white trash, but there story is never told, because if they don't have 3 teeth, or live in a mansion its not good enough to get on the air.

Many Poor kids, will develop into poor teenagers.
Lack of parenting (Most poor kids are bastards living in single mother households where there mother is either too depressed, too busy paying rent, or too busy smoking crack to help them.)
With this begins the cycle. Tommy was never taught anything. He learned it by himself. There was never a daddy to throw him a ball, and his mother is a crackhead. He has probably moved many times, moving from one run down slum to another. Does not know what economic stability is, and has never held more than $10 in his hand at one time. The only real role model he has is the man on the corner at 3AM selling crack, because he is rich, and drives a nice car.

Many poor kids once developed into poor teenagers will do what they have to do to pay the rent and keep themselves alive. sell drugs. In there community this is the only way to survive. If you are weak, you get hurt.

Education has no real use to the urban poor, because if you don't have street education or knowledge you can't possibly survive in such an environment. Law enforcement targets them because they are easier to incarcerate than rich kids, and when they are locked up all there processions can easily be repo'ed and than sold at auctions for the departments benefit.
Such cannot be done with rich kids because they have many powerful and influential family members to back them up. The court system is skewed to also work against the poor. 9/10 times if a rich kid gets caught with crack it won't go to trial, and if it does, he wont be convicted, and if he does it will be a minor sentence.

However, if your from the projects and you get caught with crack, they are throwing the books at you, and you can expect to live the next 20 years of your life locked up in a cage.

Go ahead. Explain to the judge that you were selling it because you needed money to feed your brothers and sisters and you owed a man $200 and if you didn't pay him he was going to kill you, and now sense you got caught and had to snitch to reduce your life sentance they are going to rape your mother and beat your siblings. He won't care. Hes a former rich kid and now a rich man. So is everyone else in the courtroom, and you in there eyes are below human. The sooner they get you locked in a cell than report how terrible you are on the news. The bigger there check is, and the better they look. However, if you are a rich kid you can just say you were experimenting, or Rap Music told you to do it with much sympathy from the courtroom, your parents, and channel 8 news later on in the night.

It has become popular for rich kids and suburbanites to begin thinking they are "hood", and acting poor.
As much as rich kids have, many of them are morans, and are very immature. By the time a poor kid is 12 he will have experienced much more pain and sorrow than a rich kid will in his whole entire life. With this comes the wisdom of an old man. I know many 15 year olds who have the perception of a 50 year old war veteran. However, they are the ones portrayed as being stupid just because of there accents and slang, not actual intellect. This makes sense because rich kids parents love to feed there children the thoughts that they are the best and brightest. A poor kid has to see himself as he actually is and see others for who they really are, just to survive and replicate. Also many wealthy Americans secretly look down on poor people and think of them as trash, so it makes sense in there mind to figure all poor people are stupid and there children are geniuses because they were born with a silver spoon shoved up there ass.

So if you are a rich kid. Be happy, and don't try to be a poor kid. Every poor kids dream is to be rich, and not have to worry constantly about survival. You really have no idea what it is like, and no damn article on this website could really explain to you what its like.

However, if you do insist on pretending to be poor, do it around your other rich friends, because most poor kids from the hood have very acute social senses, are able to see who is real and who is phony and were bathed in street knowledge, and the art of war while you were being taken to soccer practice.

Thats why they say if you aint from the ghetto, don't come to the fucking ghetto. Rich folks have a position of power on TV, in the news, and control the world, but when you come to where we live. You enter the world that we control. We have very little, but that which we do have, we are ready and willing to die and kill for. We are mad at your people for constantly oppressing us in every way. So we will rob, or shoot you. Because we don't like you Rich Kid. You opress us by giving us shitty education, shitty housing, bitching about us, talking shit about us, never talking about our struggles, but obsessing over yours, and locking most of our loved ones in cages just for trying to escape.

Wow, Tommy is a poor kid.
I feel so bad for him. He lives on the 7th floor of his project building and has to walk up 14 dark flights of stairs dodging crackheads and running from rapists to get to his rat infested unit, where he sits on the floor and burns roaches with his moms lighter she uses to light her pipe for entertainment.
I'm mad at BET for glamorizing this mess. If only those rich kids knew how bad it really was for these poor kids.

-If you have both parents living with you who have jobs, you are NOT a poor kid.

by Whats Real July 7, 2008

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drop the kids

To take a shit - short for Drop The Kids Off At The Pool

Back in a sec, just gonna drop the kids.

by Mercunium August 13, 2003

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Corner Kid

The wierd kid at your school boxing the air, humping the fence, talking to him self, and or more

That fucker is such a Corner Kid

by kick ass JOE December 15, 2004

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Indie Kid

At one time, perhaps, the taxonomy of indie kids could be limited to one definition, but as the word becomes increasingly bandied about in mainstream circles and the image thoroughly commodified by youth-orienting clothing chains, several distinct sub-types have emerged:

THE ART-POP KID: Generally shy and eccentric, probably a giant nerd with several guilty pleasure hobbies, the Art-Pop Kid legitimately loves the music itself and the spirit of the subculture, but maintains a protective distance from the culture itself as to not be wholly associated with it and its various hanger-ons (see below). The Art-Pop Kid thinks the music is important, he has a very Romantic sensibility, and is legitimately upset/shocked when outsiders accuse him of merely hugging trends. Seventeen years ago, the Art-Pop kid was in someone's basement, listening to the early incarnation of indie rock, and wondering what to get his girlfriend for her birthday.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: Beat Happening, Robert Pollard, Liars

THE AVANT-POP KID: Like the Art-Pop Kid but more confident and probably a little crazy. The Avant-Pop Kid doesn't so much look down on the mainstream for lacking substance, so much as he or she just exists in their own bubble, totally oblivious to the realities of the outside world. Seventeen years ago, the Avant-Pop Kid was shooting heroin, discussing Baudrillard with hobos at the bus station, and rolling their paint-slathered bodies around on a canvas.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: Gang Gang Dance, Throbbing Gristle, Xiu Xiu

THE FAG-POP KID: Generally upper class and owning their own parent-bought Scandinavian car, the Fag-Pop Kid is really nice and honest, just very dull and shallow. However, he or she doesn't think this, and will earnestly discuss dull, unimportant art (see: Wes Anderson, Victor Hugo, Conor Oberst) for hours at a coffee shop without ever broaching anything even remotely resembling an insight. Not coincidentally, they like their music soft and pretty, and usually prefer their art to deal with the melancholy of upper class suburban life. Seventeen years ago, the Fag-Pop Kid was listening to Tracy Chapman, thinking about joining the Peace Corps, and working on their Sociology degree.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: Belle & Sebastian, the Shins, Death Cab for Cutie

THE HANGER-ON: Frat kid in a novelty t-shirt, trucker hat, generally seen drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon with a girl ironically (or so she thinks) wearing short-shorts and a Hooters t-shirt. The Hanger-On might have a few mp3s from faux-indie bands like the Killers, Franz, and Daft Punk, but as a whole, he doesn't give a shit about anything other than the image. Keep in mind, he is not interested in the culture itself in any sense, just the image. As soon as Abercrombie and Fitch change their marketing campaign, they'll move on to gutting the next subculture of the hour. Seventeen years ago the Hanger-On was wearing pastel yellow sweaters, snorting coke, and voting for Ronald Reagan.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, latter-day Modest Mouse

THE HIPSTER HARLEQUIN: A more highly evolved form of the Hanger-On, the Hipster Harlequin has slightly better taste and some grasp on the underlying ideas and spirit of the subculture. However, the Hipster Harlequin is, ultimately, all about appearances, and usually spends more time and money shopping for vintage clothes than listening to music. The Hipster Harlequin will discard their persona as soon as they end up in their inevitable cubicle career. Seventeen years ago, the Hipster Harlequin was thinking about spending a year in London before finishing his or her theater degree.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the Dandy Warhols, Dresden Dolls

THE POP HISTORIAN: Completely removed from the culture itself, the Pop Historian sits at his computer all day, downloading gigs of music, and tearing through it rapidly in an effort to acquire an encyclopedic level of knowledge. While the Pop Historian does legitimately love the music, he is the extreme manifestation of the more nerdy tendencies of the Art-Pop Kid, and despite loving music about relationships, has likely never had nor actually desires a close relationship with a member of the opposite sex. The Pop Historian is the most likely to get angry and flustered when discussing music, and on account of poor interpersonal skills, is likely to indirectly belittle others in a frantic effort to demonstrate the breadth of his or her grasp on pop history. The Pop Historian is also the most likely to proclaim a love for various forms of ethnic music to which he has no cultural ties, such as rap, R&B, or Thai-pop. Seventeen years ago, the Pop Historian was going to McDonald's to enjoy a Big Mac after looking for vintage jazz records at a rummage store.
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: Devo, Stevie Wonder, the Olivia Tremor Control

A punk, real or fake, at a prior time in his life, the Reformed Punk listens to some indie music, but unlike the other varieties of Indie Kid (with the exception of the Hanger-On and, on some occasion, the Pop Historian), is very energetic and even aggressive. The Reformed Punk still retains a lot of rage from his past life, and though he now openly bears his soft side, he still prefers his music to have an edge. The Reformed Punk usually still dresses like a punk, but when asked about the genre, will usually lament that punk has been murdered by some perceived flaw in the culture. Not surprisingly, his old friends don't really like him anymore, and he's always eager to hang out and will drive you to the donut shop at 4 AM. Seventeen years ago, the Reformed Punk was getting bludgeoned into unconsciousness at a Black Flag concert (and loving every minute of it).
ASSOCIATED ARTISTS: Joy Division, Les Savy Fav, some grindcore band they still bear affection for

QUESTION: Hey, do you want to go to the Arcade Fire show with me?

ART-POP KID: Sure, that sounds great.

AVANT-POP KID: What?! Arcaaade Fy-errrr? Uhhhhhhh, I'm going for a walk in the forest and bringing my drum! Starlight! Starlight!

FAG-POP KID: Nah, I don't like that guy's voice, but hey, do you want to drive to Chicago to see Andrew Bird next week? I'll pay!

HANGER-ON: Shit, man, as long as there's chicks and beer! Am I right, am I right? (insert mangled Family Guy quote here)

THE HIPSTER HARLEQUIN: Oh yeah, they're totally my favorite band! What kind of music do they play?

POP HISTORIAN: And come back smelling like cigarettes from all those obnoxious, image-whoring philistines? I think I'll just stay in tonight.

THE REFORMED PUNK: I guessssss... but I don't have any money.

by Klaus Fraktal December 10, 2005

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Bisco Kid

"Alright remember when you were a little kid and you just didn't realize anything about reality, and you were always in your imaginary world. And now you're like 'where the fuck is that imaginary world?' and 'i need it'. Well, here it is..."

Bisco kids are used to a level of partying, enough to change the world around them that many wouldn't imagine indulging in, much less at every stop on the tour and the hotel afterward. Bisco kids are every reason one's parents dont like concerts from keys to trees, and gas to sass. If you don't know what a bisco kid looks like in action, there's a good chance you dont want to be there

Did anyone see the pile of 50 Bisco kids at the Rothbury show all cuddled together in one big hole?

by Stone>Devil's Waltz October 14, 2009

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