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To ejaculate into someone "My Uncle went skeet skeet in my anus"


by IMaTHICCYSUCCIT November 28, 2018


To ejaculate on a woman

I'm gonna skeet on here face

by Mr, slacavige in this price May 31, 2018


Skeet is used in two ways.

1. To ejactulate/cum
2. To run

1. I skeeted on the girl
2. He was running and ducking and ducking until he just ran out of breath, skeet

by pyrexGG_ February 14, 2019


A random thrusting movement with the pelvic area.

Derek likes to skeet spontaneously. SKEEEET!

by Oh Sexy One of the Lemons August 6, 2008


The people of Newfoundland call other humans that vape, smoke, drink(underage) ditch class, wear really baggie hoodies, listens to music in class, gets in trouble, hangs out with other skeety persons, as an insult, teasing friends, etc....etc..... are skeets. Yes, us Newfoundlanders are wierd idk where the word even came from but most peoples on the island are sleets anyway

"Shit did you see Soph vaping?"

"Fucking skeet"


"OMG Stephanie you got a 69% you skeet"

"Omg Bob, using your phone in class what's skeet."


"Did you see Carl hanging out with Soph"

"Damn Carl a skeet now."

Who cannot use this word:

Anyone that doesn't live in Newfoundland cause y'all ducking Mainlanders

by Juliannasummerall December 1, 2017


An adjective commonly used by middle school students in the mid-00's to describe a person who dressed in a nerdy/geeky fashion and who does something entirely out of place with the norm. This word was especially used in the hallways and boys locker rooms of the middle schools of St. Louis, MO

"Look at how Pete's socks ride up halfway up his shins! That's so skeet!"

"Did you see John the other day wearing sweatpants to school? That's so skeet!"

"James came to school today with a bowl cut! Doesn't he know that his style is super skeet?"

"Haha! Josh is wearing shorts that go above his knees! He's so fucking skeet!"

by FluManChu May 19, 2021


A wholesome word to be innocently and in no way sexually used. It can be used to replace “Yeet” in some instances

Skote, Skeet, To Skeet

“Skeet I passed my physics test”

“Are you going to the mall later?”

by Delicateflowerpetalofgreatness September 20, 2018