When you have reached a level of boredom that you type things just to see if they have been defined by Urban Dictionary
I'm bored, let's see if anyone has defined zaqxswedcrfvbgtnhyujmik,.lo/;p in the Urban Dictionary
The team based in Los Angeles. First starting in 1883 in Brooklyn and moving to Los Angeles in 1958. Known for players like Sandy Koufax, Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Duke Snider and more current players such as Clayton Kershaw and Mookie Betts. They have won 7 world series in 24 pennants, the first in 1955 and the last in 2020. They are also know for their fans, considered very loyal with a average attendance of 3 million fans a year. Also know for the Dodger Dog, a 10 inch hotdog. In the NL west and rivals the San Francisco Giants.
Did you see the baseball game played between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants?
Yes I did
A secret way to tell someone that u like them
"hey, Lo<€ ¥•_ 🥺"
good name for a discord, usually turns on the female species, the members are quite submissive and breed-able as well.
you get all the girls! you're just like los pavos.
The group of Bizznotches; their force combined
as if one bizznotch wasn't enough... we have all of Los B's here
You have a beautiful soul.
I'm dating you because muka lo kayak kontol, Riri.