Ability to use an enhanced special move on the videogame 'Injustice'. Has been adapted for use when somebody does something athletically amazing.
*Man does 500kg deadlift
Bro in the gym: Meter burn!
A word used often by old timers or those who are associated with the mafia. Meaning to go against the family values, or just anything to do with disruption of the family.. ie: to set the couch on fire.
It smells like burning sofa, sofa, like the couch, someone’s setting the couch on fire..
Robert, are you burning the couch?!
-the old Italian lady says as Robert is flirting with her sons wife.
A fucked up way to say "Smoking Weed"
Guy 1: Hey man, you like people burning?
Guy 2: Hell yeah man, I'm a total pot head.
1) To defecate; 2) a very large, and urgent bowel movement
"I really need to run, gotta burn a dog.", or "I'm gonna burn a dog, hop in the shower then I'll head over our way."
The burning result of hot melted cheese falling on your hands, tongue or any part of your body.
He’s been wearing mittens since 1993 to hide the wounds that cheese burn did to his hands when he was handling a hot quesadilla.
“I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now i realize it’s a fucking comedy.”
Jack? Jack Burns? No, i'm an IDEA
When you're smoking weed and the smoke burns your eyes.
person 1: "fuck i just got smoke in my eyes."
person 2: "that's the nigga burn."