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Bacon butty

(n.) Greasy, fatty piece of bacon in a roll that is buttered in a most wasteful way. Eaten mostly by peasants in the north of England.

I ate a bacon butty and felt my cholesterol level double.

by Banastre July 16, 2004

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sticky bacon

having eggs and bacon for breakfast and realizing that you didn't eat a strip of bacon but an adhesive bandage, hence the name "sticky bacon".

random bacon
1)carl:i want some bacon for breakfast
peggy: theres already some made
carl: wow! random bacon
2)carl: wow some bacon fell into my lap that sure is some random bacon

by shish 101 April 5, 2005

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And then I was bacon

Used when telling a story, it describes a feeling or act of uselessness and lack of any goal.

Created by college students with a lot of free time to make stories more entertaining.

I woke up this morning and decided I was going to bacon all day.

I went to In- and out and after that I started drinking, and then I was bacon.

by The kid in the corner December 21, 2010

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English Bacon

Terribly cooked bacon.

Oh god this tastes like English Bacon

by ThisJustDidntHappen August 24, 2011

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salty bacon

when a girl/guy puts 12 individual grains of salt in your pee hole

yoo man my girl gave me a salty bacon last night

by Saltuserr October 4, 2011

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bacon stealers

nickname for mother fucking canadians who come to America for the sole perpose of ruining normal people's lives.

"Hey I just moved here from Canada!"
"You are a mother fucking bacon stealer!"

by Jake Nonigga January 5, 2005

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bacon babe

syn for Bitch.

group of girls that come together as friends over a small and random common interest, such as the fascination with Kevin Bacon. Usually have a "Bacon Code" in which laws are completely random and strict. (example- you can not wear stripes on tuesday. and you can't so much as look at him because i used to go out with him) Bacon babes tend to suck people into their crowd because on the outside they seem "cool". However, word to the wise, don't fall into the Bacon-byss. Once you go, you can never return, and it will not be pretty i can promise you.

Girl 1- "Omg have you seen the Bacon Babes? they all have matching t-shirts! They are soooo cool i wish i was a part of them"

Girl 2- "Seriously? because they are all stupid. and gay, and they make no sense. but ok... watch out for that first step into the bacon-byss, it's a doosey"

Girl 1- *fake girlie giggle* "whatever you sayyy!"

by Shanayynayyy September 23, 2006

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