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Five Knuckle Shuffle

The guys above me are perverted dumbfuck sickos; Don't listen to them.

Five Knuckle Shuffle is one of WWE Smackdown! Superstar John Cena's signature moves. He does his "You Can't See Me" then runs to the ropes, bounces against them, brushes his soldier then jumps down and punches you right in the face.

Tazz: Ohhh there goes Cena with his "you can't see me!", Cole!

Cole: FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! And the pin...!

by Cena pwnz August 2, 2004

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brown slut knuckle

This rare experience occurs when you are fisting a girl and your fist comes out brown, and you then realise that you were in her ass instead of her puss. It is usually bad news for all involved.

Mate1 - "Hey mate I was trying to fist a girl in the puss last night and I ended up with a bit of brown slut knuckle"

Mate2 - "oh well, there's plenty more fish in the sea"

Mate1 - "actually she liked it... bit stinky though"

Mate2 - "nothing a bit of shower in a can wont fix"

by bobby rooney May 23, 2008

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knuckle dragging

when gangstas or male occupants of a car place their arms out of the windows while checking out bitches or marking turf. their arms extend out of the window giving the effect of their knuckles dragging on the road. knuckle dragging is usually performed on friday or saturday nights in a pimp ride.

Marty: lets roll in your car man and check the main drag

Ryan: you love knuckle dragging dude, its wednesday afternoon.

Marty: you dig it the most. i just wanna see some skirt.

by gerard jacques March 18, 2011

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five knuckle shuffle

Means to masterbate

I five knuckle shuffle myself

by cadug May 17, 2016

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five-knuckle chuckle

pronoun. to mastubate, to jerk-off

I saw dis chill on T.V earlier, slut made me wanna do the five-knuckle chuckle.

by Thorns069 June 3, 2004

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second knuckle deep

When a person inserts the finger into the caboose till the second knuckle is hidden by the rim.

Chris goes second knuckle deep while wiping his ass, not on accident.

by bigdaddyln June 10, 2008

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New York Knuckle

When you are fisting someone, and then abruptly and without warning, pull out and punch them in the face.

She said something stupid when I was fisting her, so I gave her the New York Knuckle and she shut up.

by drewcifer000 February 26, 2008

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