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Herman Mean Finger XIV

An old 50ish year old dude who is actually the sexiest man you’ll ever come across. Turns men gay upon eye contact. Has the eyes of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Probably plays bass like the magnificent specimen he is. Has a beard trimmed into an almighty square that perfectly complements his orgasmic jawline. Wears a sick ass fedora without looking cringe. By far, the most based, gigachad, longest schlongiest human being you’ll ever experience.

Dude #1; “Hey man, I’m starting a cult for Herman Mean Finger XIV, wanna join?”
Dude #2; “Hell fucking yes I do.”
Woman with large tits #1; “Fuuccckkkk Herman Mean Finger XIV oh fuckkkk I’m cominggggggg.”
Woman with large tots #2; “Oooooh me toooooo fuckkk.”

by HermanMeanFingerXIVWorshiper November 3, 2022

Brodie meaning


Also known as Boograt

The Brodie meaning is also known as Boograt

by TRJ January 9, 2025

Mean Green

Originally coined by Aych Friday in 2018, A “Mean Green” is when you’re playing against an opponent in WWE2k or honestly any fighting game that has a health bar And you’ve defeated them with mostly full health.

Damn! THE COLT is good! He gave the jobber a MEAN GREEN and didn’t take any health!

by Aych Friday August 16, 2024

What does it mean to be the strongest


What does it mean to be the strongest Xerik

by Mr overlay December 18, 2021

mean bone thuggin

Mean mug face Masterbating or tugging on your bone with a thug attitude like your gonna get yours

He was mbt mean bone thuggin in your face

by Mean bow thuggish November 6, 2023

mean monkey

A mean monkey is someone who always has the name "Reyan" and is an extremely NOT kind hearted person who loves to bully and degrade little kids although he is one himself.

Reyan: Hey you're a bitch
Person: Wahhhhhhhh
Reyan: Go cry about it
Person: Go fuck yourself you mean monkey

by ihatereyanraj December 19, 2023

i mean

another way of saying yes to a question

Michael: did you eat all my cookies

-Josh with cookies his face-

John: I meannnn

by rrfewreewe January 20, 2021