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Michael Phelps

the greek god of cannibus. also occasionally known to swim.

Michael Phelps to the people: Praise me all ye people, for I supply that which is best- green and gold

by waddlingpenguinpooper March 8, 2009

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

michael cera

A term used to describe a general feeling that an actor is merely playing the same type of character previously seen in another production. Where it be a theater production, film, or television series.

The term came to prominence when audiences began to notice the acting of Canadian born Michael Cera. Beginning with his first large audience production "Arrested Development" and ending with "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" people began to notice that Michael Cera was merely playing a meek, level-headed, awkward, and bland normal character in every production.

Today the acting skills of Michael Cera is used to describe innumerable actors that cannot develop or play a varying repertoire of characters.

Alex: Dude I can't wait to see Year One! It stars Michael Cera he's hilarious!

Matt: Seriously, Michael Cera can't act. He just plays the same nerdy awkward dude. Have you seen all his movies?

Alex: I saw Superbad and I loved Arrested Development...well know that you mentioned it he does seen to be the same character.

Matt: You got to realize dude, he's a hack. All of the movies he's been in have awesome scriptwriters and a great surrounding cast.

Alex: What a douche...

by Define Me! April 9, 2009

433πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž

Amy and Michael

Amy and Michael, a perfect match! Michael is a very cool guy who makes everyone laugh. Once you meet him, you will want to be his friend right away. He is super cute and very good-looking. He has amazing taste...in music, clothes, food, everything. Every girl secretly wishes that he could be her boyfriend...mainly because everyone knows that he likes commitment...mainly because he is sweet and knows how to treat a girl...mainly because however strange and wierd he may be, he's perfect. In his own little way, he is perfect. Amy - to take, hold, or steal your heart. a person who is a soulmate. a good lover.

she pulled an amy on my heart. (she stole or holds my heart)

my heart was amyied. (my heart was stolen)

watch out she will amy you. (she will steal your heart)

you have yourself an amy. (you have yourself a soulmate)

A lovely girl who loves all her friends and will never cheat on anyone. Amy is so sweet

A perfect match!

Amy and Michael Just the perfect couple
Michael like commitment and Amy will never cheat on anyone

by TrueJackson January 25, 2012

31πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Michael Richards

An actor who unfortunately made racist rants at a comedy club, and now has to suffer rehab and all those stupid things. The things he said were morally wrong, but it was obvious that he was simply angry at those men, and when we are angry we say the things that we think will hurt them the most. He clearly has anger management problems, but it's unfair for men like Al Sharpton to be trying to completely destroy him for it.

Wow that was stupid of Michael Richard to say the things he said. Now Michael Richards can't convince anyone that he may not be a racist.

by J-O-Rizzle-Dizzle April 13, 2007

131πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Michael Keatoned

v.) to frighten or startle an unsuspecting individual with the clever use of a cardboard cutout of Michael Keaton's torso. This is most effective when using Michael Keaton's likeness from Batman or Batman Returns.

*The utilization of Michael Keaton's likeness from Multiplicity or Mr. Mom often elicits the opposite of the desired effect.

"I awoke this morning in a haze. As I exited my bedroom, I opened my door only to be greeted with a 3 foot tall Batman torso, scowling at me from beneath his cowl. I screamed like a tiny baby girl. I had been Michael Keatoned, and the taste was bittersweet."

by sbj1786 February 17, 2009

29πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Michael is gay

Well ya Michael is gay

Michael is gay

by Ligmafatnuts October 6, 2020

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A friendly, funny and a nice guy when he wants to be. Is secretly vulnerable and sensitive to those he feels comfortable with. He has nice fluffy hair most of the time,a great smile and handsome af .Attracts me and women.Is artistic,creative and not judgmental. Is an all around good person and friend of you’re lucky enough to know him Doesn’t tell how he feels but you can early tell by his facial expression.

Hey I’m hanging out with John-Michael today you should come hang out with us.

by Salty mama April 22, 2020

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž