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Orphan Soup

A gourmet dish made from the limbs and organs of the finest orphans in the country.

Man, I could really use some orphan soup right now

by BeanOrNoBean June 7, 2020

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soup kitchen

when a bunch of homeless people have an orgy in a random car

dirty mike and the boys had a soup kitchen in your car (other guys)

by lovecat9 February 4, 2015

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Mooseknuckle soup

Similar to Swamp ass. More sweat on the nuts themselves.

It's hot today, I think I might make some MooseKnuckle Soup. I will ring the bell when it's done.

by Tim Finch, Cody Marshall May 26, 2007

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Bees In The Soup

1. Recieving something extra than what was requested, particularly if it is counter-intuitively pleasurable. For example, asking for one day off from work and getting the whole weekend.

2. Can be used to quantify something you don't want others to know about- often drugs or money you have conned out of people.

1. "Yeah, my boss gave me the whole weekend off, and I was worried I would have no cash but I found a wad on the street outside- thats some bees in the soup."

2. "Hey Rick, I got three dead bees in the soup."

by Mc Mockingbird Killah April 9, 2003

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soup poo

the squirts or the shits or blowing mud the gortz

i ate some real bad taco bell last night now i got soup poo!

by TinfoilHelmet May 19, 2005

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Soup Sandwich

An unbelievably messy situation. Think literally, two pieces of bread with soup in between.

With 3 ex-boyfriends in the room, the possiblility of a SOUP SANDWICH was high.

by Dan Seaberg January 17, 2008

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Pee Soup

you pee in someones butt and then you drink it. You drink it by probing the anus hole with a straw then slurp.

"can I make pee soup with you?"
"mmm than was some good pee soup. compliments to the anus;)"

by Codename:EBOK July 6, 2012

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