When a vagina has extra inner lips that are covered in a mangy mess of wire textured hair.
I am still cleaning my teeth from that beaver mouth last night.
After completing oral stimulation on your partner's anus, having fecal matter on your lips.
Man, after tossing that girl's salad I ended up with hamburger mouth.
when you can’t be around someone because they breath smell like but, his name is keenon holden
Keenon Holden mouth is so funky, it smell likes booty. -funky mouth
Mouth Mongoling is when two people are kissing and the lips of one goes inside the mouth of the other. This action is repeated for both sides. Mouth Mongoling is also seen as when someone's mouth goes inside the other person's mouth while kissing.
Mark and Jessica were Mouth Mongoling last night.
Guy 1: "Hey Dude, Mark and Jessica were Mouth Mongoling last night!"
Guy 2: "wow"
You talk to ___________ (any name ) nahh he has mouth cancer .
The Slang Meaning A Dry Mouth From Vaping Or Smoking
I got cotton mouth from getting high last night
The reaction of resin forming in the plaque and bacteria in the teeth and gums forming a black smelly resin like substance created by the moisture in that plaque and bacteria.
I got such gross resin mouth on that gater beug, I need a tissue to wipe my mouth.