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Mrs. S

A huge bitch, that no one absolutely likes. Is Very old, has hair that's whiter than whiteout, wares way too much makeup, and is worse then the devil.

Mrs. S is such a bitch

by xxSam_Hizzyxx October 9, 2018

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Drinking and smoking

Samantha: Hey not any of my business but what’s are you are you doing?

Benjamin:I’m D&S

by Mandella obongata June 26, 2020

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n. abbrev. of Back, Crack & Sack wax. The wax-assisted removal of all hair from the back, ass crack, ball bag and any interstitial areas (including but not limited to the perineum) of an adult male.

Effectively, the male equivalent of a Brazilian bikini wax for woman, but extending to the entire upper dorsal region (contrast the similar, but less extensive, Brozilian.)

"After Season 1 of 'Jersey Shore', the question wasn't whether Ronnie and the Situation got regular BC&Ss, it was *how* regularly."

"The fusion of the Brazilian bikini wax and the man spa have conspired to create a profitable new male grooming service: the BC&S."

"With the metrosexual crowd gearing up for Hamptons season, it's hard to book a BC&S in NYC anytime in the month of May."

"The BC&S may represent one of the final evolutionary steps away from hirsuteness in the human male."--Anonymous Evolutinoary Biologist

by joebohobitz August 15, 2012

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Scarlett Johansson

fucking with S-Dot

by 42683338 December 5, 2020

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A story about s*x to make u horny


Imagine you crush suddenly kisses you

You have been waiting months for this

You start making out you can feel his tong in your mouth suddenly you see he starts to lift your shirt and rips your cloths off suddenly u feel him slide into you you strart moβ€”β€”-

by Idk.....,... December 8, 2020

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Gabriel S.

Gabo is a facinating creature. He is the type of guy to take a selfie, feel cute, and then say he might delete it later. He is very charming. But most importantly he will fuck your dog.

Gabriel S. fucked my dog yesterday

by babyaids March 9, 2019

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A military prank you send privates to find this form, looks like balls when written properly.

"Hey Boot I need your B411's"
"Don't think I have them Sergeant"
"Really they should be attached to the bottom of your pen15"

by MizzGidget October 4, 2013

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