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self-defecating humor

The act of getting some cheap laughs by pooping one's pants.

Billy's lame jokes kept falling flat, so, desperate for a laugh, he decided to change course and try some self-defecating humor.

by Lord Nexus VI November 22, 2012

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self blow job

Masturbation, but with own mouth instead of hands.

i need to have a organsm so ill do a self blow job.

by boobieeiei May 9, 2006

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self-sufficiency standard

(ECONOMICS) an alternative metric of poverty; used instead of the poverty level by some researchers.

Developed as a superior alternative to the federal poverty level to estimate the income required for families to pay for their basic needs. Computed at the county level, the SSS takes into account the costs of food, housing, health insurance, childcare, transportation, taxes, and other basic expenses, with component values varying across more than 70 different family types. SSS wages have been calculated to date for all counties in 35 states and the District of Columbia.

Usually people are not concerned by reports of the large numbers of people living below the poverty level, because they assume it just means poor people have to tighten their belts.

The self-sufficiency standard (SSS), if explained, should change this. If a person's wages are below the SSS, then she is not only not making enough to meet her current needs, she's not making enough to preserve her ability to earn what little she has.

by Primus Intra Pares July 16, 2010

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Used in Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, it refers to the self-confidence that men have

1: "fear the time when Man-self will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Man-self" -Steinbeck

1st guy: "Hey, why you so down?"
2nd guy: "I just took a blow to my man-self."

by mimd124 May 11, 2011

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self bj

The act of giving yourself oral stimulation, Performed by only the most flexible, perverted and desperate men.

Luke was bad at speaking to women, he resorted to many weeks of stretching and practice, so he could have a self BJ

by deadJ April 15, 2016

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note to self

An insult said to someone's face, disguised by making it sound like a reminder on a PDA.

Karl: Note to self: Jason eats man-feces.
Jason: No I don't!

by 5X5 July 9, 2004

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Self flagellation

Does the definition of the word "Flagellation" make "Self" redundant?

Iam "I know I tend to engage in self flagellation but it isn't as bad for me as you think it is. I have that scar tissue build up so it doesn't really hurt. Don't beat yourself up so much."

Hym "Holy shit!"

Iam "What?"

Hym "If we had more empathy we would die! Is our lack of empathy keeping us alive!?"

Iam "I don't know..."

Hym "I probably would have killed us. What is the link between trait agreeableness and suicidality? I would imagine being high in neuroticism would have an affect on it. I was just positing this the other day. That being low in trait agreeableness ameliorates the the negative effects of being high in trait neuroticism."

Iam "You would have killed me!?"

Hym "If I could kill you without killing me I would do it. Shut up. I'm talking about me here."

by Hym Iam April 25, 2022

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