Source Code

taking a shit or taking a dick

Basically, "Not giving a fuck or getting fucked"; see homophobes.

He's either "taking a shit or taking a dick"!

by ima90sbb September 21, 2009

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Take care

Basically saying β€œ sucks for you, good thing I’m not in that situation”

Person 1: bruh I have to take a test today
Person 2: Take care, take absolute care

by dill03 July 13, 2020

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

take it to Vinny

"Take it to Vinny" is meant to be sarcastic. Vinny is the owner of a good but erroneously overpriced performance shop in Long Island, NY. Vinny knows his stuff, but he is super expensive.

$19,000 for a 500whp build but you have to buy your own turbo kit, who the hell is he kidding? LOL.

Ques: Yo man, my motor blew up, what should I do?

Ans: Dude, just take it to Vinny, he can set you straight.

Ques: I want to build my motor and boost it, do you know any shops?

Ans: Yeah, do what everyone does, get a loan against your house and just, take it to Vinny.

by real talk! May 7, 2010

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

take it on the run

Tomarlo a la ligera

La canciΓ³n de REO Speedwagon dice:
You take it on the run, baby
(Lo tomas a la ligera, nena)

by GigaTauro January 29, 2014

10πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

take it to the house

What Mason McAlexander says while recieving a blow job.

Mason-Oh yeah take it to the house
Stephanie-Shut the fuck up! I'm only here because you're paying me!

by ADM September 21, 2003

7πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Take Flight

The form a body takes when riding a skate board at full speed and hitting a rock.

Friend 1: Did you hear what happened to Spider?

Friend 2: nah what haffened (notice he took flight once and lost his front teeth, thus the ff's and not the pp's)

Friend 1: he was riding his board down a hill and hit a rock!

Friend 2: dayum...did his asth take fwight

Friend 1: yeah fool...like 40 or 50 ft.

by D. Ferrel September 24, 2003

15πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Take a walk

An old tymey code-phrase that one states before leaving to expel digestive gas. In other words, an excuse to tell your friends when you need to go find somewhere to fart.

Ms. Cromwell's three bean casserole was absolutely delicious, but the moment i felt a spell of flatulence coming on, I told her I was going to take a walk so as not to offend her delicate senses.

by Timstuff August 4, 2009

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž