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Moses Arms

A common phrase used when measuring the size of arms that are below average size or lacking bone marrow. (Usually from a life long disease or lazy lifestyle) A person with said arms will never make gains.

Look at the new guy coming into the gym, he's got a long way to go with those Moses Arms.

by Dr.Gains December 21, 2016

On the arm

To borrow(front, cuff) something to give back later or turn into money to pay back.
Receiving credit off the strength of who you are.
The ‘arm’ symbolizes strength of who you are that gives you the capability to get something with no money down because of the strength of your character and nobility; being trustworthy.

‘Can I get the next one on the arm?’
‘I’m strapped for cash, can I get this one on the arm and pay you back Friday?’
‘Papi let me get it on the arm cuz I told him I didn’t have enough to go check him’

by verley November 6, 2021

pitching arm

Hand that your are the best at Masturbating with

Why are you using your left hand.. is that your pitching arm?..

by SlydeXXX January 20, 2018


Used to define the hell bent spawn Ichigo (bleach protagonist) sprouts from his arm/shoulder when it is cut off or damaged when he is not in control of his inner hollow.
In episode 124, and 233.

Zangetsu attacks Ichigo when his Zanpakto is released from his soul, who usually keeps the hollow from taking over, Ichigo looses control, Zangestu injures Ichigo's arm, and Ichigo's Arm-mouth attempts to devour Zangetsu.

by BlooLynx October 25, 2009

weird arm

When you're laying bed with someone all intertwined and one of you has weird arm. Lying on your arm in an uncomfortable position.

Babe I've got to roll over on my other side I've got weird arm.

by Lin-Zeee February 26, 2016

A fully armed battalion

Something that King George iii will send to you to remind you of his love. Not to be confused with killing friends and family.

I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love, dadadadadadada

by LiterallyMariahReynolds August 16, 2024

Steak from Jake's arm

Steak from Jake's arm, (Jake from Statefarm)

I want some Steak from Jake's arm!

by Mehllodie, Or something April 6, 2022