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Perfect Crush

a crush that never developed into a relationship and was walked away from before having to say goodbye or get hurt

Jason and I were never in a relationship. All he was was my perfect crush.

by tarstaroo November 2, 2016

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anime crush

when some sad anime fan has a crush on a anime character, because they have no life.

anime freak: im crushing on (incert crap anime character here), i have an anime crush!
Other person: Weirdo you fancie a cartoon character HAHA

by peanut cake June 15, 2007

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elementary crush

When someone has extreme affections for girl/boy when he/she
thinks it's too early to have a crush.

Bob: Y'know the guy who always gets awkward when someone talks about girls?
Fred: Steve?
Bob: Yeah. He has a total elementary crush on Sarah.

by Elementary Crushed August 26, 2009

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lemon crush

when you have a crush on a girl that happens to be a lesbian.

man, i have a serious lemon crush on this girl, i wonder what would happen if her girlfriend found out.

by chriskicks April 21, 2010

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Crushing Tin

slang for drinking beer

Matt is "crushing tins." Short version, Matt is crushing.

by AlbanianCocksman December 24, 2008

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Fat crush

Something soul crushing you get when you have liked someone you have no chance with for far too long even though that person is unavailable or uninterested

Guy 1: Damn I got a fat crush on Jasmine
Guy 2: That must suck

by some.random.simp January 7, 2021

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Crushing the book

Using facebook in any way shape or form

When someone is distracted by their lap top or phone you ask them if they are "crushing the book"? Because people tend to become less connected to those around them when they are running all over facebook.

by hopk5784 December 19, 2010

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