a previously unknown, unhyped NFT project that (of a price, volume, or amount) increases very steeply or rapidly
"Ima pick up a few floor pieces in case they goblin" - BluedipNFT
A love goblin is a child who is unruly and out of control.
Your love goblin should be punched in the face for acting up
People who stand in small public spaces such as hallways or doors, and block the way of other people, often while talking to friends or on their phone. Especially prevalent in schools where students walk to different classes on the campus.
Student 1: Everybody was stopped for a minute when I arrived at the classroom. What happened?
Student 2: Ah it was just another of those door goblins fucking everything up.
1π 1π
A common creature that likes to hinder doors, sideways and any other busy or crowded areas in general. When asked to step aside, the tend to ignore the request, sometimes on purpose.
It seems that the best weapon againts this beast is a solid shove.
Move or I move you, you stupid door goblin, you're blocking the way.
A nicotine addict who is constantly hiding in the bathroom (most likely in a high-school or office building) asking passerbys if they can hit their vape.
Guy 1: bro, did you see brooks earlier, he was in the bathroom trying to hit my vape.
Guy 2: bro, he's such a vape goblin.
Goblin Punch is a modified form of the sexual maneuver "Donkey Punch".
Once the male partner has entered "Goblin Mode" and has reached the orgasm's event horizon, he is to strike the female in the back of the skull with the mythical hammer Mjolnir, and scream "GOBLIN PUNCH!"
"I Goblin Punched my wife last night, and I think she is going to take the week off of work because of it. I feel like she never really recovered from that."
A school rumor in a californian school (Berdu) where a man was caught eaten shit in the bathroom after school during the after school programs the shit goblins name is Nick hamerage and he was supposedly suspended at school after due to the amount of shit he took from the school bathrooms
Whats up n- shit goblin!!! "Shut the fuck up or ill eat your shit too" :)