A shitty ass motherfucking school with tons of racists, methheads, crackheads, and every other drugs known to mankind.Don’t get me started on the school lunches. It’s made of slightly edible rubber and the nuggs are just rubber it’s not even edible.
Dad: we are moving to central square and you are going to Central Square Middle School
Kid: Just send me to fucking North Korea instead
wearing square glasses means you get 0 bitches. you have no game. honestly gravity pulls more bitches than you.
emily: “ew nicholas is wearing glasses. he must get no bitches”
nicholas: “hey you wanna go on a date”
suzy: “ew no you’re wearing square glasses”
When you get mad over something that is not all the serious
a gentleman's beverage in flask form placed in the inner pocket of a jacket during a refined social gathering, such as a banquet or a reception.
Look, Steve brought his Alabama pocket square - he just spiked his sweet tea with it.
Where mathematicians go when they commit crime.
Did you hear about the mathematician that got convicted of robbery? He went straight to a square based prison.
A person who is a stan of sussy_mogus2012's OC on scratch, "Square"
Oh yeah dude, I'm a Total Square Stan