En somaler som prøver å beskytte bybanen for billettkontroll med å bruke stanken sin som angrepsmiddel eller så går de i større grupper for å holde dem vekke fra bybanen i Bergen
Shit der er Bybane warrior som beskytter bybanen mot billettkontroll.
A black girl that exclusively dates white guys.
Girl, be so real. You’re such a winter warrior.
Weekends of picking which parents house to go to
Child: I wish I didn't have to choose every weekend where I want to go, I don't like neither of them but I don't want to hurt feelings
Child relative: yeah it sucks being a weekend warrior
Weekend Warrior is a Swiss groove-metal band, which has come to moderate success in region of Aarau in recent years. The band was founded in 2012 and consists of 5 school friends. Their trademarks are their energetic live performances and their strong technical abilities (in comparison to other young local bands).
"Yo, dude, did you see Weekend Warrior last Saturday? They were totally brutal, man!"
"The guy who is passed out under the bar is Weekend Warrior's bassist."
A group of misguided youths fighting for the first nations confederacy. Most often found standing in intersections and getting throw out of respectable buildings.
Named for the hairstyles often worn by first nations men before their prison bid. The ponytail is used to control the NDN sub while being fucked from behind.
See blowjob handles.
Woman Braided Warriors: Justice for MMIW!
FN Man: And Gladue reports for the men that killed them!
Something the if you get on it, Felix the cat will be at your house ready to fuck you with his magic bag
www.deviantart.com mehlove art Warrior-Cats-Names-Taken-Seriously-1-659285538 Is Felix the cats worst enemy, the true reason why he doesn’t use deviantart
A group consisting of the villains (not necessarily the main villains) of the 15 current Final Fantasy games.
The Warriors of Spiritus are villains.