A style of cooking in which you go with the flow, use the recipe solely as a reference, and make most of it up as go, tasting along the way
I’m so glad I picked up vibe cooking, following the recipe exactly is so 2024.
The best bloke in the world. He smiles while playing drums and does anything for his mates and family. He loves to captain his boat and band. Can party hard and loves a Cook. Won’t let anyone sleep while over the kitchen is open. Cooky is an abbreviated version of Captain Cook.
You see someone partying hard. And you say to your mates. “Is that Cooky (Captain Cook)
The drummer from a band is smiling while he drums so you call him Cooky (Captain Cook)
You see the captain of a boat switch over to the second battery to keep the cook going for his mates party, the boat doesn’t start so you call him “Cooky (Captain Cook)
when you drive by some crack addicts on sunset boulevard
Mike: “Damn, did you see those cooked up niggaz we just drove by?”
Samantha: “Nope, I was busy giving you road head.”
Mike: “Yeah you were bitch!!! I didn’t say stop…”
This is the name im trying to find for one special girl.ehehe
Its an example being defined. A name that can cook good
When a person and/or people smoke weed
I had the biggest cook sesh with the boys the other day
A post 9-11 service member who walks around acting like Sgt. York even though they haven't even sniffed combat. Arrogant/Ignorant wannabees. They won't talk about their service, not because they saw a lot of bad but because they don't want people to know that they haven't seen anything.
Check out bigshot tony, word has it that he's a combat cook, he spent his whole enlistment stateside.
Emily cook is a petite jellyfish but can easily turn into alpha. Emily cook is also known as a sneaky pookie who likes touching feet under tables.
Emily cook stop touching me!
You’re not as quiet as I thought Emily cook