A gun that shoots hot dog buns into mouths of people that the hot dog bun gun man deems worthy
Hot dog bun gun man: you are not worthy
Bill: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOoOoooOoOo i Want a hot dog bun shot in my mouth with a gun
Hot dog bun gun man: next
Hot dog bun gun man: you are worthy
Dave: LEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is my dream, i love getting hot dog buns shot in my mouth.
The behind of a Bonobo as animal or, more commonly used, as human (see bonobo).
Guy 1: "Have you seen the ass of that bonobo?!"
Guy 2: "You mean the bonobo buns, don't you?"
Guy 1: "Yeah, my bad."
1. The top half of a bun, or top layer of bread on a sandwich. Often used to refer to the thickness of the bun or bread.
The term "top bun" is often used to describe the amount of bun on the top layer of a sandwich or burger. The person often uses this term in displeasure of the thickens off the bun; often seek approval or acknowledgement that their bun is to thick.
eg: Person 1: "look at the amount of top bun I have, its to much"
Person 2: "Its fine"
Person 1: "No its not fine, I refuse to eat this. There is to much top bun!"
Refusal to acknowledge the top bun may results in refusal to eat the meal, until the amount of top bun is noted.
bad at something; dumb; stupid; not smart
the food at the dinner was top buns!
the music played at the party was top buns..
A term used for a woman who has become lame and sits on her cunty ass all day.
Peter: what happened to Jen, we never see her. She's turned into a cunty buns.
a non human that everyone thinks is a human
Scotty Buns is being really weird drinking water with his finger... is he ok?
Scotty Buns is being really weird drinking water with his finger.