Source Code

Whack in the Crack

Slang for Jack in the Box.

"I want a Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Whack in the Crack."

by G. Thomas July 26, 2006

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Crack Dealer

-One who engages in the sale of crack and/or other such narcotics.
-Someone who is involved in numerous shady activities
-Might get with underage asian girls

-"You hear about Alex Torres? He sells crack...and a bunch of other drugs too it turns out."
-"Yeh hes a big crack dealer, he steals playstations too if you want one..."

by ShallionStallion January 25, 2007

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ass crack

a line on your butt

put your hand on your back and go down about 5 inches and thats your ass crack

by Kinsley June 3, 2003

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crack bunny

A female who smokes more than 5 packs of cigs. and does drugs while in pregnancy.

GINODAB - badong
"look at that crack bunny humpiin a jizzmo!"

by LEGEND October 29, 2004

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crack slut

a slut will just do it.
a lady will need crack

by Anonymous August 19, 2003

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gamer crack

a game that is very addictive and time consuming.

Dude, that game is gamer crack.

by Derrick Bowman January 29, 2006

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crack weed

An urban legend. Dealers always tell stories to sell their crappy weed.

silly drug user:"I've got that famous crack weed today. It was also dipped into LSD and alloyed with radioactive opium!"
intelligent drug user:"Do you really believe your dealer's stories? *rofl*

by MetalWarrior March 9, 2006

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