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A dab that is performed before the absolute completion of a task. This can be anything from dabbing after finishing an exam but before turning it in to dabbing after throwing a basketball but before it goes through the hoop. It's a form of claiming victory beforehand and asserting dominant confidence in a situation, but is very risky. Upon a pre-dabbing, one signs up for the risk of looking like an absolute idiot when the task fails.

Person A: "Dude, no way that grenade will land in the right spot."
Person B: "Just watch."
Person B throws a grenade in game out of sight behind a structure. Person B dabs preemptively, and the dab is shortly followed with the notification that he has successfully killed an enemy.
Person B: "What did I tell you man? I got this."

by KoreanKatastrophe May 31, 2019

Dizzy Dab

Dizzy Dab is a 50/50 split of both weed extract (dab) and speed (meth). Take weed and speed and cook until both substances are liquified. Let mixture re-coagulate and the fire away.

Legend has it ,
Dizzy Dabs were discovered somewhere on the western plains, around the border of Colorado and Nebraska,….or possibly Kansas.

Apparently two disheveled nomads who had been wondering the plains while whacked-out on some pretty decent liquid LSD. One nomad says “hey man you have some meth right?” The second nomad responds with” Ya bro of course I do. How would we survive without Speed and Weed? It right here in my pocket with these dabs your mother gave us” as he put his hand in his pocket and he suddenly realized what had happened “shit fuck mother fucker the speed is now mixed the in weed. What in the hell are we gonna do?” The other nomad responds “Take a torch to it”
“Holy fuck bro that was the best goddamm hit I’ve ever had in my life man. No shit it’s like functioning while completely stoned what could be better?”

Holy fuck those dizzy dabs sure are the panty dropper. I hit it one time next thing I knew I was on the train to pound town. I told them boys I was not a whore, one of them said “I got a half gram of dizzy dab that says you are”. Sure as shit next thing I knew pipe down legs up………..

by Da UrbanCowboy May 31, 2023

SoCal Dab

When two homies from SoCal say what’s good to each other.

-Hand slap and then knuckles

Down here it’s call a SoCal dab.

by windowsfoyoface October 18, 2019

dabbing straight ahead

Performing a Nazi/Hitler salute. The act of dabbing in front, rather than to the side, resembles this salute. Try it in a public setting to verify this.

Steve Bannon was seen dabbing straight ahead after discussing immigration laws.

by sportball14 June 17, 2017

Beer Dab

The act and/or process of consuming beer at a fast pace whilst taking a hit out of a dab pen simultaneously, hence the name Beer Dab

Woah! Did you see Zach take that beer dab! That’s badass!

Yeah, I can Beer Dab pretty well.

by TheBeerGuy October 5, 2020

dab rock

1. A type of cannabis

2. A misuse of the phrase dad rock to describe rock music older than 5 years old

Why are you listening to Ghost? They're dab rock

by nerd558 December 3, 2020

Dab O Clock

It means it’s time to dab

“Hey sir what time is it?”

“it’s Dab O Clock”

*Hits rig aggressively*

by August 9, 2022