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Fake care

When someone doesn’t really care about people and just fake care about people to make people believe they actually care about people but in reality they don’t care about people at all just faking it

She fake care about me by telling me I am beautiful but She didn’t actually mean it.

by Wise truth teller September 6, 2018

Fake hippy

Anyone wearing long hair because it's fashionable or socially acceptable, ie, many people these days,including dreadlocks, ponytails, and man buns, without any predilection towards or interest in the hippy lifestyle,ie, a total fake or fraud

Look at that stupid scally twat and his long hair, he looks like a fucking psychopath, fake hippy cunt

by Colonel Hassle July 28, 2019

A fake Jacob

A person who doesn’t like bees

He’s a bee hater, that’s why he’s a fake Jacob :(

by Yemayemayema March 8, 2020

Fake Send

Ordering an excessive amount of food over a delivery app such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Menulog/Just Eat etc. and immediately claiming the order was completely incorrect upon its arrival to get a free meal.

“Bro I want subway but I’m too broke”
Oi just fake send it”

by SADNIG September 20, 2021

Fake Wilding

Wilding out for no reason and looking dumb while you're doing it. This word is usually for women that are either crazy, dumb, dumb as hell or loud as hell.

Was you just fake wilding.

by Fake Wilding April 12, 2018

fake fob

Its when a actually Mixeds islander or polynesian tried to act full fob

Me : G how was the fish n chips

Friend : stop acting fob your only mixeds you fake fob

by Likki my balls November 1, 2019

Fake Dildo

A real penis

He put his fake dildo all the way inside my butthole.

by Theduderonomy October 4, 2017