Someone who only needs you when they want you, make excuses to go watch youtube or do something else, criticize you without noticing, hate someone one minute and talk to them with you then love them the next, are never there for you, when you tell them something important they brush it off or say something like kay or oh.
They often criticize you for what you can’t control, make rude comments, say hurtful things, only make time for themselves, only call or text you on their own agenda, when you say something important they reply with a single word or oh, they don’t understand what they’re doing is wrong, tell you about something they dislike or someone then go and hang out and love them the next.
Fake friends don’t care about your well being, they will just use you for popularity someone to hurt, emotionally or physically.
A fake friend might pretend to be your friend, but use you instead.
Example 1-
Catherine: “I miss my friend Taney”
*Catherine checks phone*
Taney’s contact: “please come back to our old school!! I need you!! I’m so unpopular without you and I don’t have anyone to hit!!”
Example 2-
Sarah: “Hi Flynn, how have you been?”
Flynn: “I thought I told you that I didn't want to be friends anymore because you told my secrets to everyone in class.”
Sarah: “let’s forgive and forget, ok? It was just severe humiliation and causing your depression!”
Sarah and Taney represent Fake Friends .
A Person That Uses You For Their Own Benefits, And Only Cares About Them Selfs.
(A Person That You Don’t Need In Your Life.)
Andre is such a Fake Friend I was getting jumped and he ran away!
people who go to taco bell without you and post about it
hey! did u see their story? why wouldnt they invite us???
they are fake friends
A fake fan is a person who heard about an artist or band 10 minutes ago, is already “in love with them”, starts posting stuff only about them. Forgets about that artist in like two days. Uses the artist to be “edgy” or different. They get really defensive or aggressive when you expose them. Usually only listen two the most popular songs and don’t listen to the whole album including old music just was popular.
Hey! Mardena is buying me and her tickets to Lil Mosey!
Oh that’s cool!
*Two seconds later*
“If you listen to lil mosey you’re my favorite person ever”
Ugh she’s such a fake fan!
commonly used for people who do not have any respect for their idol’s privacy and would go any lengths to prove their idol’s whereabouts and their own point right even if it means leaking their idol’s address even when you know they have faced something traumatic a few months back.
Harry Styles fan leaked his address in La, they are fake fans.