Source Code

gorilla central

An area that is filled with hot, sexy men.

It's Gorilla Central at the beach right now let's go.

by averyhutsonisacheater June 29, 2024

Flying gorilla’s son

Enoch Gallogray

Oh look it’s flying gorilla’s son might as well give him all of my money

by Goat68 March 28, 2023

The Speedy Gorilla

When a woman is fucking a mans face whilst reaching back to grab his dick and use it as a rudder all the while using her other hand to beat her chest and mimic the sound of a silver back gorilla.

"The party was fully sick bro...I saw ol mate Tim being abused by that MILF hard core. Im sure she was doin the Speedy Gorilla"

by Lorraine Haul April 2, 2024

Deep Gorilla Modi

a living bust

Hey did you guys see John yesterday? he was acting like a Deep Gorilla Modi

by Fhdjjd September 23, 2021

gorilla stomping

a dance performed by eurotrash, commonly seem on the island of ibiza. The dance consists of keeping the arms out like you are holding a box and not moving them. Then stomping the feet side to side while turning the shoulders slightly.

That guy dancing on the table over there has been gorilla stomping for over an hour. He must be tripping on e.

by nico464 October 5, 2009