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bubble gum

Noun. Another name for ejaculatory fluids.

Dam, I made that girl swallow my bubble gum the other night.

by stantla October 6, 2006

6πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

bubble trouble

While you are getting tea bagged and titty fucked at the same time - you blow a bubbalicious bubble only to get a short and curly in your gum!

While Danny thought I enjoyed the tea bag titty fucking session, I was more interested in blowing a bubble - only to realize I had BUBBLE TROUBLE! DARN :)

by Trippy Pippy May 27, 2007

4πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Bloody Queef Bubble

When a woman is on her period and has had a load shot into her pussy she blows a bubble out of her vagina held together by cum and blood until it pops.

After having vaginal sex with Diane, Ted proceeded to eat her out. He soon found out she was on her period when the tip of his tongue popped her bloody queef bubble and sprayed blood and his own splooge into his mouth and the back of his throat.

by Unfortunate Ted November 22, 2010

56πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Bubble Gum Rapper

A rapper that sings to please the mainstreem, but not seen in the rap game as a true artist.

Nigga, why the fuck you listenin' to bow wow, that's just a fake ass bubble gum rapper.

by GX March 21, 2006

290πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Dubble Bubble Trubble

n. a sexual act that entails sticking pre-chewed bubblegum in the anus of another and asking him/her to contract the pubococcygeus muscle to give the appearance of 'chewing'.

Him: Let's try something new...
Her: Like what?
Him: *chews bubblegum*
Her: What are you doing with that?
Him: *sticks bubblegum wad in her asshole*

by 800Wmarietta October 24, 2011

30πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bubble Tea

n. The natural carbonation in the urine of most mammals, mostly prevalent in Asian-Americans and some amphibians, such as the kangaroo, and your slimy-ass bitch of a sister. The carbonation is thought to have special addictive properties, and in some cases has allegedly caused temporary resurrection, seventeen hour erections, diabetes, and in some rare cases -- hiccups.

Middle School Crack-head drug dealer: Yo, you want some fresh Bubble Tea?
6th Grader: Sure, gimme.
Middle School Crack-head drug dealer: OK, go past 711 to the alley behind Samurai Sushi.

by Sr. Alvarez-Luigi-Vinny-xoxoxo February 15, 2010

14πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

Bubbles Marital Bliss

A mΓ©nage Γ  trois (or even of four or more) with some pretty bright young things in the hope of spicing up an already flagging marriage; any artificial stimulant used in the context of conjugal rites with an eye to rekindling the lusty fires of one's honeymoon. Part of a wider codified lexicon employed by Oxbridge Dons.

Wife Figure: 'Darling, I do hate to be uncouth, but why don't we forget the Connect Four just for one evening, put little Tarquin to bed and have ourselves some Bubbles Marital Bliss?\

Husband Figure: 'Daisy, you've made a scene. I think you'd better leave.'

by Mdme Bovary February 19, 2010

60πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž