Source Code

Advice Cookie

A fortune cookie that instead of a fortune has advice. These "Advice Cookies" make obvious statements about things you can do to improve everyday life however missing the point that they are supposed to tell you a fortune hence the name FORTUNE COOKIE. These Advice Cookies are most likely found at a local Panda Express or other Chinese restaurant. Some even sub for language tutors by teaching you how to say words in Chinese.

ex1: Yo I just hit up panda and got what I thought was a fortune cookie only to be disappointed when it told me to clean my room. That ain't a fortune cookie that's an ADVICE COOKIE!!

ex2: homie1: what u doin man?
homie 2: fixin my car G
homie1: but there ain't nothin wrong with it
homie2: My ADVICE COOKIE told me it's time to change my air filter so that's what imma do!

by refri3dnoodle May 22, 2009

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cookie muncher

when you are dick eating ur friend so much that ur literally munching on him

Drew you’re so ugly you get no action

Bro, you’re sucking me so hard you’re the definition of a cookie muncher

by Urmomispoo69 March 10, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

sugar the cookie

When you have sex while your partner is baking.

I know your baking brownies but, I'm horny; can we sugar the cookie?

by DogeThaDog March 19, 2016

32πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

To Cookie Cake

The act of giving a girl cookie cake so that she will do anything in the world (ie: make out with other girls or maybe if you are lucky have sex with you or someone else)

Note: Cookie cake is a highly reactive substance and even the mention of the word can cause sexual arousment. So use in moderation or you may mind yourself in a highly arousing situation with no way out (It is not as good as it sounds)

Dude, I gave this girl last night some cookie cake and she totally cookie caked me!

Who do I have to cookie cake in order to get a martini in here?

by Hal Emmerich December 3, 2007

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

White Cookie

First one gives their girl a boob job, then you spread your cum all over her. Next you ger some sugar cookies and break them up on to her chest and watch a homless lesbien eat the white cookie off your girl's chest.

If you know a lesbian who wants something to eat a white cookie is a perfect choice

by cookiefucker January 5, 2008

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Cookie Cum

Cookie Cum is the cumgasm that a guy deposits on a cookie when he's playing "Cum-on-a-Cookie" with his jack-off buddies.

I played "Cum-on-a-Cookie" with some of my buds Saturday night -- I lost so they fed me the Cookie Cum!

by USAF Cadet June 27, 2021

234πŸ‘ 293πŸ‘Ž

slut cookie

Translation-carpet muncher,lesbo,gay,fag,lint licker,vagina sucker ect.

"dude your a fag"
"psh whatever slut cookie, eat me dry"

by Jessie+Koren November 18, 2007

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž