Jason month is december when Its jasons bday, it is a national holiday and Everyone should celebrate it cuz jason is an amazing person with a kind heart and a beautiful soul, he is beautiful and deserves the world, happy jason month
Person: omg its december
Person 2: whats so special about december?
Tall,thick eyebrows,tan,and mostly like anime
Me:jason paul munar is handsome
The one and only important Jason a sweeper that is bigger then a bus
Jason weir was discovered in the old town of Pyon Chang and still lives today
OmG it's Jason weir
The guy that tries to take charge when the boss Jason is out of the office...
We were going out to eat lunch but Jason Jr. told us we had to invite the whole department.
An object that is difficult to fit in places but once it's in it fits perfect.
The truck had a hard time squeezing in the garage but it turned out to Jason kuk after some pulling it in and out.
thickest and most scrumptious cake you will ever see.
Adam: WOW, look at Jason's cake. I want to eat it all
Ben: you do you Adam. It does look very good tho.
Adam: I will eat it all