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how to kill someone

Alright, first you need to find your victim. Get them alone, maybe in their car or in a park at night. Take chicken wire and choke them to death. After that you need to dispose of the body. There are many ways but some work better for your situation. A good way if you live near woods is to bury the body about 6-7 feet down. fill in the hole over half way then put a dead carcass of some animal, deer or dog works best. When the dogs go out and try to smell out the body, they will go crazy where the dog is buried. The person will dig up the dog and keep going because he will think the dog was mislead. Another good way is to chop the body up into little peaces and spread them around. Deserts are good places because the sun will dry it up and not many people look there. Lakes/oceans are good places too but make sure that the pieces wont float back up. Burning the body can be good too, just make sure that you dont leave any teeth, police can check dental records. PS- this is a joke, don't actually do this.

"have you seen this incredible guide on how to kill someone?"

by boltforge May 17, 2016

2110πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Kill Me Please

When you are suffering depression and figure that it would be better if you weren't here to experience life, this term is used.

Kill me please!

by HopelessPricl March 18, 2017

107πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

kill jake paul

A wonderful act to get rid of a cancer

Kill jake paul world rid cancer
Man 1: I wish you would KJP
Man 2: why not

by Hdhehfysndksgeyd did rid dishd January 9, 2019

Game Winning Kill

The kill that wins the match in an online game. Most well known in the FPS, Modern Warfare 2, which accompanies every one showing a slow motion replay video that everyone must watch. Can consist of lame, average sprays, or simply unbelievable feats of awesomeness.

Dude, that guys game winning kill with a throwing knife was fucking awesome.

by Joshie G. April 23, 2010

Kill your darlings

β€œIn writing, you must kill your darlings.” --William Faulkner

This literary advice refers to the dangers of an author using personal favorite elements. While these may hold special meaning for the author, they can cause readers to roll their eyes for reasons such as:

-Purple prose
-Egregious overuse of a word or phrase

Did he seriously just use the word "egregious" up there? Dude, kill your darlings.

by FeO2 May 7, 2012

250πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

nigger killing machine

An individual who kills niggers really rapidly and can not be killed by a dark skinned "negro"

I used to be a nigger killing machine during the African war.

by ks59 January 10, 2018

137πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

kill my mind

a beautiful son by Mr. Louis Tomlinson :)

Kill my mind is my fave song rn.

by poopheadpotato December 3, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž