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nyack middle school

nyack middle school is probably the worst middle school out here in nyack. along with the fake ass bitches. the lunch is so nasty but like there is vending machines there and its pretty good and the cookies are ehh. the principal is nice but strict. dont even get me starting on the security gaurds. these security gaurds be doing the most like mf you be getting at least $5-$10 a hour sit the hell down. they be yelling at you for no reason bro you cant do nothing even defending yourself they will threaten to bring u to the main office like if u dont sit down.

nyack middle school is the worst middle school ever in rockland county

by mindyo neck September 8, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kenmore Middle School

Small school for grades 6, 7, and 8 in Kenmore, NY where snowballs=suspension. Also the poorest middle school in the Ken-Ton school district. It is rectangular in shape and impossible to get lost. The school is overpopulated with wiggers and girls who tan too much. Most teachers are oblivious to what is going on in their classrooms...class clowns and wannabe class clowns are very common. Most students plan a food fight every single day that seems to never happen. KMS is also known for their terrible football and boys basketball teams.

Dude, wtf happened to Mildred from Kenmore Middle School?
she failed math.

by take a shower January 15, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Westerly Middle School

A middle school in the Westerly, RI, that consists of grades 5-8. Moving the fifth graders was a bad idea, because they're uncomfortable and the eighth graders find their presence annoying. Grade 6 think they're the shit because they change classes for the first time in their life. Seventh grade, this is when they start to think they're allowed to get into serious relationships, like cuddling in bed together and making out, which is odd considering that THEY'RE 12, and they over-use the peace sign and kissy face, to much annoyance. Finally, there's the eighth graders, who literally just want to get the hell out of there and into the high school. Most of the teachers are Italian and annoying(like the students). 60% of the seventh and eighth graders are drug addicts, and the remaining 40% are either bitchy cheerleaders, the dumbass athletes, the super-smart kids, or the dancers and gymnasts. The food is awful, the principals ban popular clothing items such as North Faces and headbands because they're afraid of "formations of gangs," and most of the kids are white-ghetto and think they're hood.

Pod Chick: I go to Westerly Middle School!!11!!!!
Out-of-towner: Get the hell away from me.

by tony pajamas yo January 17, 2013

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rincon Middle School

A place where cholos, losers, preppy girls/boys, and anyone else unfortuane enough to be dumped here, come to waste three years of their pre-teen lives. Nothing interesting ever happens, and nothing ever will. 'Relationships' between 'students' only last like, two days, or until they don't know what to do since they're so obsessed with finding out how to get into the 'in-crowd'. The morning announcements are done by the most annoying girls in the school. The mascot is a sad, sad looking Bulldog, and everyonce and a while someone will get into the mascot costume and prance around like they enjoy life. There's seriously nothing remotely worthwhile about this school. The food sucks dick, a dog wouldn't even shit in the bathrooms, and there's gum and dirt EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE.

Incoming 6th Grader: I'm so excited to go to Rincon Middle School this year!! It's going to be so cool!
Previous Student: Oh.. God *has Vietnam-like flash back* NO! NO!!

by I've Seen Shit July 3, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

martin middle school

basically bitch centeral. the preps are concidered the "popular" group when really everybody hates them. the preps are stuck up and dont talk to anybody exept them selfs. the hot guys are akward around girls, and the good personality guys are ugly. the most goody goody school in raleigh, nc. if somebody does anything other then make out, they are considered a slut. and if you go out with a guy one week after you break up with your old boyfriend, your concidered a slut. the only cool guys are the skaters, which there are less and less every year. most the kids go to broughton. and the preppy girls try to seem like bad asses when everybody knows they get straight A's and wouldnt dare to get written up. worst.school.ever.

girl 1: hey want to go to martin middle school?
girl 2: hell no. worst school ever.

by anon9886765 January 30, 2011

52๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Herrick Middle School

One of the whitest schools in Illinios and possibly the whole country.

"That kid is so white! He must go to Herrick Middle School!"

by Jaon peterson November 13, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prairie Middle School

A hellhole where the food is so overpriced and is complete rubbish. Most of the teacher act like vampires and are fucking awful. So many people vape and everybody loses their virginity in the locker rooms. The health teacher even brought in a banana and showed everyone how to put a condom on. He then proceeded to have the guys put on a condom.

Prairie Middle School is where teachers suck ass.

by Juul is kewl September 28, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž