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Bee Movie Day

The 15 December is international Bee movie day. You are expected to watch the bee movie all day non stop.

Bee Movie Day

Barry - "Gotta say something"

Barry - (Thinking)

Barry - "Ya like jazz?"

*Woman gaps*

*Plates fall

by 15 December December 15, 2019

Turning Red Movie

When you have gone mad.

Peoples mouths are huge.

crap this is weird, if you have watched the Turning Red movie you are going mad.

by oweijf;lsdakj;flkajsd;f May 6, 2023

that was so movie

1. When something feels like a movie

“I went back to my childhood home last weekend, that was so movie

by squong March 1, 2022

I was the knight in shining armour in your movie (dekupampampem)

I was the knight in shining armour in your movie (dekupampampem) a MASSIVE meme that is still MASSIVE (like the low tape fade(MASSIVE meme btw)). It's a meme on tiktok where when someone finds something rare, a gold scar PERCHANCE appears with the song All time low in the background with the lyrics: "Dekupampampem dekupampampem deku.. I was the knight in shining atmour in your movie..."

Dragan: OMG I just found a gray pump
Roko: Dekupampampem dekupampampem I was the knight in shining armour in your movie (dekupampampem)
Dragan: No way.. you just found a gold scar

by AndrejLore December 12, 2024

Pink movie state

It defines a person is in his own world and has no care whatsoever.

Last night I was in my own pink movie state at the party.

by Shwim August 22, 2019

make movies with it

being proficient in something

Kumar is very good at Excel. Someday he will make movies with it.

by SuHe April 30, 2021

loser movie

a place, (emotional or mental) a person puts him or herself when they're desperately trying to fit in

Todd's bootlegged outfit had him walking aroung looking like he was in a loser movie.

by Urban Dakota December 18, 2009