Source Code

Country music


"Hey! Have you heard the new Kenny Chesney SONG???"

"No, I don't want to die"

"Why would you die?"

"It's country music"

by fuckmehaha September 30, 2019

39👍 26👎

potato music

Potato Music is any music that’s quality isn’t studio professional. This can include music ranging from songs recorded on your phone, to songs recorded in a mediocre home studio that’s just a few tweaks away from being perfect.

Have you ever heard any of XXXtentacion’s early songs? It’s potato music.

Pistanthrophobia is potato music.

by RickRated June 1, 2018

Darkground Music

It is the music that plays under the level of a game map. This is used by developers to know where is a good place to put the death plane for the level.

"I fell out of the map in Super Mario Odyssey and I heard the Lego Yoda death sound remix. Interesting choice for the Darkground Music"

by MichaelIsStupid August 20, 2021

Music collar

Wearing a headphone around your neck really tightly and putting on some bass music and turn the volume to the top.
Then enjoy the intensity of the bass on your Veins.
It gives a weird effect.

Person1:Where is that music coming from?
Person2:It's probably coming from his music collar.

by S.s.F February 21, 2011

Music muggle

An insecure music fan who overreacts to the Rock Oracle accurately assessing a band they like.

Did you see that guy get upset because The Rock Oracle told him his favorite band are B leaguers , what a music muggle.

by The Rock Oracle July 15, 2023

Music Quest

A search for a specific album that is made by a person who wants to listen to awesome music

The discovery of awesome music by searching through old vinyl records


(person1) "Dude where did you get that album"
(person2) "I had to go on a Music Quest all over town just to find it"

(kid1) "What is Timmy listening to?"
(kid2) "Ever since Timmy went on a Music Quest in his fathers attic he has stopped listening to (insert name of generic shitty pop group here)"

by BigRed9000 March 12, 2011

Musical gibberish

When in a song the singer sings absolute gibberish.

(Song)"I don't care if your Montagues or Capulets, well I bet..."
"That song, Dave, is full of musical gibberish."
"I know Gary that tune is fulla it."

by mr anonymous Dave April 15, 2014