A phone /Skype call interview.
We would like to set up a quick 15 min pre-screening skype call?
Refers to the act of glancing at the netting over your window/door to see how many flying bloodsuckers are landed on it before deciding whether or not to venture outside.
You'll want to always give "the great outdoors" a pre-screening before just mindlessly heading out the door, so that you don't get eaten alive once you're out there.
Pre-inapt ;
Definition ; 1. assuming responsibly for by way of justification.
So there for suggests that was once, was ok or essential, is now not ok, and assuming responsibly, will be resolved.
Pre-inapt is really the word with the most significant meaning. It's an unused word that disservice flagging.
A pre cashie is where a tradie does a job around his usual working hours, where he is paid cash in hand, but the thing is the pre cashie is paid before the job is complete. People usually do this to avoid the tax office, as it doesn't go through the books (under the table).
These are rare to come across
Ye mate did the pre cashie the other day and just sent legs when I got the cash
The agreement you have with your significant other that you will do what they want after you have your nap. Breach of the pre-Naptual agreement results in a forfeit e.g. food or bedroom related fun stuffs.
"Dave broke our pre-naptual agreement last night and left the washing up on the side for me to do. Now he's got to buy me a subway."
(n): A liquor parlor shot made out of 1/2 vodka, 1/2 RumChata, served in a salted rim shot glass. The etymology of the shot came from a conversation amongst friends when in the hypothetical accident in which one man sticks his dick through a gloryhole and instead of receiving a mouth on the other end, the said penis is actually head-butted by another receiving penis. After a few moments of the two penises rubbing against each other, one (or both) of the man's penis(es) achieve premature ejaculation or pre-cum.
The actual liquor shot combination with the salted rim actually achieves the accumulated taste of a white chocolate pretzel.
Logan (coming back from the men's bathroom): Hey, did you see that hole in the wall in the bathroom? It looks like a gloryhole.
Nick: Yeah, I saw that. Hey, imagine there's two guys each on the opposite sides of that wall and at the same time they stick their dicks through the hole, touching at the same time.
Logan: That's disgusting!
Nick: Even worse, as they accidentally touch dicks, they get a pre-cum.
Logan (gagging to hold back his mouth-puke): We should create a shot of that. Hey, Barry (the bartender). Can we get a 1/2 shot of vodka and a 1/2 shot of RumChata with a salted rim?
Barry (pouring the shots): What do you call these shots?
Nick & Logan: Pre-Cum Shot