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irish vlog squad

irish vlog squad

Irish vlog squad is a group of lads who all record YouTube videos.

They are all legends. These are the irish vlog squad

Cal Arnold
Thomas Arnold
Cian Gannon
Miles rich
Jamie Gannon
Cathal Carlin
Dara Tah

All irish youtubers who live in ireland and are the best people ever.

Did you see the irish vlog squad?

Theres no group like the irish vlog squad.

Im subscribed to all of the irish vlog squad.

by Katie draws April 24, 2019

squad rollin' up

Gang or crew to arrive at a destination through a vehicle(s) all together.

Gangster Kid: Muh' squad rollin' up on der' bikes wit' me

by [deIeted] October 1, 2017

bathhouse kill squad

Awesome punk band from Milwaukee. Frankie, Julian, Betsy, Chase (the best and coolest people that could ever exist) Super nice people; really great to hang out with and get to know.

yeah, I'm gonna go see bathhouse kill squad later on this week!

by bks is better than you October 12, 2022

extreme doom squad

EDS is also known as the ever present but often overlooked Extreme Down Syndrome. Its been a myth to many over the past few years but it has shown itself in a new light as of late in the form of a bunch of no life, wannabe, fatass, emo losers who can't get a real job and have to masterbate to pictures of mom on prom night because they can't get a date and pretend to slit their wrists to be cool. In otherwords they are a bunch of followers who just have no true friends but their "online" ones and feel the need to fall into a clique and can't conform to society because it is bad for them, or maybe its just the fact that they have been spoiled all their life and don't know what it has taken over the years to keep their no-use, sorry asses alive as they grew up in the shit-hole they call a home. But I wouldn't consider a cardboard box behind "fuzzy Hole's" a home either.

The one they call tubz0r

by T3rd_F3rgus0n_teh_pr0nz0r March 28, 2005

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Lil timmys squad

A squad full of gang ass niggas that would beat your ass (formerly known as the β€œGucci gang”)

Tyrell: You better not fuck with my gang β€œ Lil Timmys Squad”
Jeremy: Oh shit

by Nickryandark May 14, 2021

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bae fam squad

a person who is bae , who is also your fam, and in your squad

boy 1: who is that girl?
boy 2: That’s my bae fam squad.

by Dank_memes69 August 6, 2018

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1017 Brick Squad

gucci mane la flare click. east zone 6
when lil wayne holla young money in his tracks its like
gucc hollin' 1017. same thing

"man young money garbage nigga! fuck that nickoledeon nigga"
"hell yea. 1017 Brick Squad. gucci!"

by t^h^e^b^l^o^c^k July 19, 2009

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