A makeshift urinal made out of snow on which a group of people snow camping can drain their respective lizards.
Hey man, have you built the great wall of china yet? I really have to take a leak.
4👍 15👎
Oh boy! Another person complaining about how shitty their middle school is. For starters, this school takes great pride in how many awards they have earned in years past, but those days are long gone. Right now, there’s a major juul and bullying issue that nobody seems to be addressing. Inside of this school, you’re either the kid with anger issues who hops on every bandwagon, dates Snapchat thots, and calls people the n-word despite being 99.9% white. If you’re not that, you’re the antisocial prick who whenever somebody tries to actually have a conversation with you while doing a group project, shrivel up into you’re fucking hole and make your partner do all the work. Or maybe you’re completely normal, get honor roll near every marking period, and treat you’re classmates with respect (about 10-15% of the school). As for each grade, the 6th graders are privileged as hell, with their retarded behavior being excused as: “they’re just adapting to middle school”. 7th graders think they know everything about the school, despite only being there for a year. 8th graders have mass anxiety and unfairly taking it out on others (most of the time 7th or 6th graders). Moving on to the teachers, they’re mediocre at best. The 6th grade teachers were by far the greatest, you could actually connect with them and have a conversation with them. And with the exception of a couple teachers, pretty much any other teacher is doing their work for the paycheck. Dear god, just fix this school.
Had an actual fucking thermos yeet’d across the “Dining Hall” and hit me square in the back of the head. Had to get surgery so I wouldn't be a vegetable for the rest of my life. Fuck Great Valley Middle School.
21👍 2👎
Nov 4 Is National America Cheeseburger Greatness Day is when all Americans should go out and buy a cheeseburger
Man: Hey honey it's America Cheeseburger Greatness Day let's go get a cheeseburger
Woman: And do what add some more weight your already 300 pounds with diabetes do you want to commit suicide there are better ways to do that
13👍 1👎
The Great Northern Train Wreck or GNTW is an explicit sex move involving five males and two females. The steps to performing the GNTW are as follows:
1) Male #1 sits on chair.
2) Female #1 rides Male #1 facing away from him.
3) Male #2 does a hand stand in front of Female #1.
4) Female #1 insert Male #2s penis into her mouth.
5) Female #2 stands behind Male #2 and feasts on his anus.
6) Male #3 lies on his back, between Female #2 legs and Male #2s arms.
7) Female #2 rides Male #3.
8) Male #4 stands directly behind Female #2 and rams her anus with his penis.
9) Male #5 puts his feet on Male #4s shoulders and hands on Male #1s shoulders. Arching over top of the rest of the party.
10) Female #2 gives a hand job to Male #5.
Note: Warnings must be given before loads are blown.
Hey Chris, Julian, Scott and Adam, lets Great Northern Train Wreck those two hoes!
61👍 12👎
Where the seventh grade girls act like they’re 17. The football team wins maybe 1 game a year, but they’ll continue to wear their uniforms to school everyday. The only reason any of the students keep going to school is Mr. Wise. People act like their relationships will last forever even though they’re in fucking 6th grade.
Great Valley Middle School was just wasting 3 years of my life.
19👍 2👎
A shitshow to say the least. Also called the pharmacy because of the drugs, you don't have to look far to get some. Kids walk around obviously high and teachers look the other way. Hoes aplenty, willing to suck guys off and throw up on their dicks for a nickel and a half.
Ben: hey look there's that great valley kid! He goes to great valley!
Jerry: what a loser
Great Valley kid: *starts publicly masturbating*
Great valley high school is hell and turns everyone who attends into a nicotine bitch monkey who buys NFTs