Source Code

joss house

A premises used for the purpose of prostitution

We went to the casino and then blew the money at a joss house.

by Brett Sheargold July 1, 2006

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Smooth Housing

To be really calm and not at all wild while playing with friends. Usually involves extremely non-violent forms of contact. The opposite of "Rough housing".

Frank and Ake were smooth housing the other day which was in stark contrast to their normally aggressive interaction.

by FaberFonk February 26, 2009

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Open House

n. A house that has no supervision, usually for the weekend. An open house will most often be used for parties and smokefests.

Man dude: Dude i got a open house this weekend!
Dude man: Nice dude, party.
Man dude: of for sure.

by Johnny Houston March 3, 2009

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Full House

A late 80's early 90's TV show with a cheesy plot line and actors.

Here is a definition for each character...

Michelle: a whiny little brat that always says "what's up dude" and "i want ice cream" in a high pitched glass shattering voice.

Stephanie: a know-it-all daddy's girl that tells horrible jokes and thinks she is so funny, (when in reality, she isn't!)

D(onna) J(o): oh mylanta, what can i say about her? she wears vertical waisted mom jeans up to her ribcage and has an annoying nasley laugh.

Kimmy Gibbler: an annoying and unfashionable clown that eats all the Tanner's food and goes through their mailbox. Their own personal stalker.

Danny: a hostile clean freak that is a host on wake up san Francisco. He's very geeky and his slogan is "talk loud and carry a dustbuster".

Jesse: an obsessed Elvis wannabee that uses uses about 5 lbs of hair crap a day and gives himself daily hair pep talks and thinks he's the greatest musician alive.

Joey: a stuck-in-the-past freak who lives in the Tanner's basement with all of his stuffed animals and Mr. Woodchuck.

Rebecca Donaldson: a woman who lives in the Tanner's attic. She likes to sing "Bad Boys" with a turkey baster and does the tornado, and she looks like a walking disaster....that stole Bozo's clothes.

Nicky and Alex: little twin freaks who constantly yell and scream and pout when yelled at.

Steve: AKA the walking garbage disposal.

"what are you watching?"
"full house."

by clase de dos mil y doce March 21, 2010

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Safe house

A public restroom used in bathroom emergencies. Or a clean well taken care of public bathroom used when someone can’t make it home.

Ask Bob, he has IBS, he knows where all the best safe houses are.

by B4GELS March 11, 2018

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Jacks house

This term refers to the well known and very delishious JACK IN THE BOX!

Who wants to go grub a Big cheeseburger at Jacks House?!

by irideabmx November 20, 2009

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pepsi house

Generic spoken term to describe a restaurant that might sell only Pepsi Cola products.

See coke house for an explanation.

Is this a pepsi house or a coke house?

by ke6isf October 3, 2004

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