a woman who is so fat, that in order for a man to have sex with her, he has to roll her in flour to find the wet spot. this term is derived from Gold Medal brand flour.
Steve : "Man, I ain't been laid in a long time. I'd settle for a Gold Medal Mama right now."
Bill : "Ya, me too."
When you're looking fresh, AS FUCK!!! (But you act like you don't) But everyone knows that you also looking fresh as fuck.
"damn sharkeisha looking like a shrexy mama llama today"
sharkeisha: "mhm yeah i do, i mean WHAT!!!''
Zoo wee mama is what u say when u see a fit chick
Zoo wee mama kalebs mum is looking fine
1👍 3👎
A very common used word for a surprised comeback.
“Oh zoo wee mama! I wasn’t expecting that one.”
Its a thing that u can say to everyone who said a bad thing about you
Marius:You are ugly af, not even yo mother would look at you
Gigel:Mama ta aline
How to use Joe/Joe Mama:
John: Dude, have you bought drugs from Joe?
Alex: Who the hell is Joe?
Alex: John, i have a serious addiction. Please stop with the jokes.
John: I still got you.
Alex: Shut up you bitch.