Source Code

what to search

Extreme definition of boredom

Oh, I am so bored I don't even know what to search.

by amcrate September 20, 2020

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What The Diu

When something amazing, extraordinary, gay, sad, frightening, or for whatever reason. Used to replace holy shit, oh shit, what the fuck, diu, etc

What the diu?? Is that an eggroll?

by TWG's VC July 21, 2008

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What's in the box?

The most iconic thing someone can ever say to someone opening a box.

What's in the box?

What's in the box?


by Daze0621 January 14, 2019

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What Control!

When someone completes a task or does something with very high skill. Often used in soccer and hockey when the player keeps control of the ball/puck after a finesse move. Scoring most likely occurs after these moves are done.

Nick: Drogba shoots scores! What Control!!!!
Paul: Didier Drogba is a beast, What Control!
Dan: Apapapapapa I know!

by YAYEEEEE! November 15, 2010

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What's that BTA?

code for: What's That Bitch Talking About?
What's That Bitch Talking About is a spoof game show featured on Saturday Night Live when Tina Fey hosted. The title can also double as a phrase used in conversation or in the classroom when an annoying person or teacher says something unbelievable and/or difficult to understand. It is said in code so the person being referred to as "bitch" is unaware and therefore not offended.

Teacher: And then you calculate a 95% confidence interval predicting the population proportion using the sample standard deviation and hypothetical velocity.
Bob: Dude, what's that BTA?
Rob: I have no clue man.


Girlfriend: Joe you said you'd call me in the morning when you woke up!
Joe to friend: What's that BTA now?

by McGlovan February 26, 2008

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what the pants

An interesting variation on "what the fuck".

Guy #1: What the pants is Erica doing?
Guy #2: I have no pantsing clue.

by Lana Banana June 9, 2005

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what the cluck

To replace what the f**k

What the cluck, this is a load of crap!

by Chesney allan April 17, 2008

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