High Hrothgar is a monastery that sits at the top of the Seven Thousand Steps to the Throat of the World — the highest point in Tamriel. It is here the ancient Greybeards reside, living in absolute silence to better attune themselves to the voice of the sky. and they also call you to the top to teach you more thu'um.
i finally climbed the 7 thousand steps to high hrothgar just to learn whirlwind sprint
A place where kids go that gives them cancer
Brummana High school is why my brother died
High School in glendale with bunch of armenians and beaners. Either nic addicts or potheads in this school. A lot of racial problems. Problematic ass school
Guy #1: Yo she goes to Hoover High School?
Guy #2: Ya she fine but she a hoe
Pronunciation: \ˈhī ˈskül-ē\
Etymology: English (high school) + Nick (-y)
Date: 2010
1: acting or portraying someone young in secondary school <childish>
2a: exhibiting less than an expected degree of maturity <immature>
2b: having room to grow into a conventional or post conventional moral reasoning <foolish>
it was really immature and high schooly