Shit shart. Shitilly shart. Shit shoot shitilly shart. Shartilly shit shoot. Shootilly shit shat... Shart... I wish I could optimize my shit texture... I'd have to be some kind of weird dork to live like that though... "Hey, Hym. Why do you only eat gummy bears?" "Oh, yeah. Because it keeps my shit both dry and moist enough to minimize the amount of wiping I have to do" They'd think I was insane... Until they tried it... Then they would realize I'm the greatest mind the world has ever seen....
Hym "I don't actually only eat gummy bears but there is an optimal texture and if I could only find it... I would never have to wipe again! But these are the things I think while I shit."
It means that somethings not going to happen to you.
"She beat him up and he did nothing"
Me: "Oh hell nah I cant go."
A contraction for "I swear I will"
Popularized in Fairfield CT by Andreina of the Muscle Sisters
I'll make the coffee rolls for breakfast tomorrow.
Do you promise?
I swill.
What you say when you listen to the most quietest song ever.
*most quietest song ever plays on an iPod"
Diaima Ajsmfhfnfbrgifrbg:I have to turn up my headphones at full volume because this song is so quiet
SMD while I SMH literally means, suck my dick while I shake my head. It's a word that describes your utter disappointment for blatantly disrespectful dick riders.
Dumbo: "Shut up dork"
thatboytweaking100%: "I thought you had something better to say. SMD while I SMH"
That's what you have to say every crabz season! Fuck my actual life, crabz are fucking stupid.
Hym "Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around. The tidal wave of crabz is crossing the fucking street so I guess I'll take a fucking detour. That or I'm the asshole running over crabz. Fuck crabz. They should throw me a fucking parade for running over those little cock-suckers. You're welcome."
A silly way of saying "I love cats"
"Maz I lvoe cars so much"
"Cam please stop talking about cats"