Someone who is desperate for anything and will be overconfident if achieved, even if it's petty and small.
Person 1 is ahead of person 2 by one point.
Person 1: Big Bozo in need of some competition
Person 2: They really flexing 1 point
people debate over who is better, officer jenny or Nurse joy… it is desired, misty is hot
eden: who is your favourite pokémon character
george:I like misty (she has big tits)
i like misty because she got big tits
When somebody takes a really big shit
Kyle: ok you can use the bathroom now
David: god damn Kyle you took a big ole shat
Saying that you received a big penis with out sounding gay or (homophobic)
Moving out the city was the best idea for getting big cocky.
My friend Daniel Banks who told me he as an 9 inch hog were in 8th grade tho
Nazi liker
friends with Wally T
Have you talked to Big D Dan Man
Big Eeds is usually the biggest eshay in the school with the name Eden
Oh look theres big eeds again trying to get attention