When your girlfriend eats a Big Mac then starts giving you a blow job and pukes on Big Mac sauce all over your cock.
My girlfriend just gave me a big yak.
The culinary specialty, big d!ck bronco pappi supream is a fugking masterpace. It is the reason I fugking consider living another day without commuting not alive. The few places is it is legal to buy a thicc unit of this god creation is the ring of mars, and my mommies meth kitchen. I recommend buying one today because oooh mama they are a fugking recipe to heart disease
“Hey man did you remember my fatas big d!ck pappi supreme that I ordered?”
“Oh yeuh man I got it right here *pulls it out gooey tasty (thicc) pizza from underneath (fourskin)* thank me later man”
big d!ck bronco supreme is the best pizza you will ever taste
To hold your head high with a tall hat no fold
Tall hat no fold , big body be bold
A donut that makes your snare fat like Donald Trump.
This Big Fat Snare Drum made my snare fat like Donald Trump!
big fuck up, dumb thing to do.
Dumbass: Hey 2+2 = purple right?
When your shit is so heavy, it drops and leaves a skid mark in the bowl even after flushing.
John left a big dipper in the bowl; that's not gonna come off without some effort!
An idiot that fails to turn up for work after the session. Usually called Neil.
He was a big dipper