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Hot Cheeto Girl


sanjam is a Hot Cheeto Girl

by ashianawasnothere May 20, 2022

Hot Cheeto girl

An annoying somewhat fat girl with fake nails and baggy clothes who eats hot cheetos/takis all day

The hot cheeto girl got Cheeto dust on my homework

by Calino September 6, 2021

hot cheeto girl

basically a baddie and a annoying girl with bad humor

look at racheal see look musty asf and she look like a hot cheeto girl LMFAO

by endarken August 3, 2022

cis girl

Cis woman who is a kids, teenager or young.

Cis girl.

by Catedrast December 10, 2024

inhaling a girl

means sniffing a girls pussy after sexual play or masturbation.

inhaling a girl is so 2020

by pussyslayer69420glockglock January 31, 2022

gather girl

A woman—typically between the ages of 25-55—that hangs corny, generic signs throughout her house that read "GATHER" or "BLESS THIS HOUSE" or "LOVE NEVER FAILS" etc. These signs are procured from stores like Kirkland's, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target.

This woman is whiter than ranch dressing, most likely a wino, and lives in the cookie-cutter suburbs but will tell anyone she meets that she lives in INSERT CLOSEST CITY HERE.

*Leaves cousin's housewarming party in Round Rock, TX
"Did you see that wall of corny-ass signs in their living room? I didn't realize Amber was a Gather Girl. Please kill me if our living room ever looks like that."

by cre8ivusername April 13, 2021

Nay nay girl

A horse lover that constantly blabs on about horses whatever the conversation, constantly plays star stables with their other nay nay friends And cries if you say anything bad about horses

I asked this girl about horse stew the other day and she started crying?
Don’t worry dude, she’s a nay nay girl

by L0nGsKinnYtOez June 17, 2020