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To be top of the line, the real MVP

Yo my son Josh is AP for throwing this litt ass party

by Twerk for me January 20, 2018


A Bad Bitch, An It Girl, meaning you just on top of these hoes.

"Girl, Im AP asfc

by 9tekc October 14, 2022


A Bad Bitch, An It Girl, meaning you just on top of these hoes.

"Girl, Im AP asfc

by 9tekc October 14, 2022


Dette er en måde at sige at han/hun skal bare "holde sin kæft"
Også en måde at lege overlegen

Victor :"Mate er det ikke dig der er røv irriterende"
Overlegen: "ALdrig prøv , du ingenting Victor"
Så ap er betegnelse at man aldrig skal prøve

by Adam Hellstones January 24, 2017


this word can be also used in social media, mainly instagram, mainly meaning “appreciation post”.
Showing appreciate to a particular person/object/theme.

ap to my girlfriend who always stands there for me

by __chelx__ June 29, 2018


Ap stands for 'after pic'. This is a picture of a male's or female's cum after they orgasm and send it as an 'ap'

Girl on snapchat: Ap for ap?💦🔥👅
Boy on snapchat: Sure bby😉💦🍆

by Ghettolarryboy👅 November 14, 2016


A Swedish watch used for “drip” and “clout” in many popular rap songs.

Damn, Tay-K is stunting on us with his AP... oh wait, he’s in jail so he can’t afford one.

by gruening83 July 26, 2019