To unknowingly or accidentally proclaim one wishes to have sexual relations with animals
The Scottish guy was clueless when he said he wanted to clap a gator; talk about culture shock
When someone has a big butt and starts to twerk and it makes a noise.
Clapping clout is when you have so much clout that you don't know what to do with it, so you just clap it together.
My boi Jimmy steady knowing how to clap that clout.
When someone is so clapped that they look worse than a tortoise
Abbie is a clapped tortoise
In a Golf Foursome, one player is teeing off and the three other players go behind the tee-box and pull down there pants to moon, while smacking there ass with hands creating a clap after the player has hit the ball. The unsuspecting player turns around thinking it's an applause to only see butt cheeks mooning him/her.
My friend was driving from the tee-box while three others were performing a Mexican Golf Clap.
When yo belly so fat it claps when you run
Take a lap and let me hear that buddha clap